--=Decided Fate=--

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(Clay's POV)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clay had been laying peacefully on his platform, wondering how he and his friends had ended up in this horrible place, when the guards had arrived. They swiftly undid the chains that bound him, and flew him down towards the palace below. Only after telling him that Scarlet wanted an audience with the Dragonets of Destiny. Even though he was a Mudwing, and the biggest out of the Dragonets, he was still much smaller than the full grown adult Skywings that escorted him down to the safety of the ground. 

He looked up, after hearing a roar coming from across the platforms, and a blue Dragon fighting what looked like two Skywing Guards. Similar to the ones carrying him, before he realized it was Tsunami. She was roaring in rage as she resisted the Guards, struggling and fighting wildly. Clay was happy to know that his friend was alright, and that he was going to face Scarlet once more with her, but he couldn't help but wonder if he should be fighting as well? 

He saw two other Guards carrying a smaller black and dark grey shape who he recognized as his other friend, Starflight, but the thing that got Clay's attention, was the Skywing that was just landing on the palace balcony below. The Guard was carrying something, but he couldn't see quite what it was from a distance. Either way, it looked small. Much too small to be another Dragon. It looked even smaller than Sunny. Was it a Scavenger?

Clay's mind however, quickly moved onto other things. Part of him was joyful that most of his friends seemed to be okay, but he was also a bit worried to what Scarlet wanted. 

I hope they bring Sunny and Glory too. Wherever they are. I hope their safe... Clay thought nervously, wishing more than ever, that he could wake up his inner monster, that Kestrel had always said he had. 


You squirmed as the Guard carried you through the palace, but this time through a different route to when you were first brought to the palace. You had given up fighting, and hitting the Guard's talons with your fists, (Which you had taken inspiration from Tsunami),  long time ago. By this point, you had realized that escape was hopeless, and resistance was futile. It would only end up with either you dead, or more likely: badly injured. 

The Skywing guards had already proved to be more militaristic than the whole 'peace, love, and plants' kind of action. The only thing you could do was to be carried helplessly down the corridors, through chambers, before eventually arriving at the grand throne room of Queen Scarlet. 

The Guard marched through the double gold doors, before stopping in front of Scarlet's throne, and throwing you roughly to the ground. Scarlet's eyes widened in pleasure, as a nasty grin spread across her face when she saw you. Her grin only grew when the other Dragonets were marched into the room, a few seconds after you. Tsunami who you recognized, along with Clay and Starflight.

 Tsunami who you recognized, along with Clay and Starflight

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Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now