--=Clay's Fight=--

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You had not expected the day to start like this. Honestly, you should have expected that Scarlet was going to put one of the Dragonets of Destiny in her arena sooner or later, but now here you were. You and Tsunami peering over the edge as Clay was forced out by the guards into the sandy, dusty open space of the arena. 

Clay stopped, turning around to face the overhanging platform of which Scarlet resided. When she had walked out, you couldn't help but duck quickly out of sight, before you managed to force yourself to peek back over the edge. You were much more terrified of Scarlet now, but you were honestly just happy you didn't have to be accompanying her for the arena fight. You much preferred Tsunami's company. Or really any of the Dragonet of Destiny's company compared to the bloodthirsty Skywing Queen. Beside her was Glory, still chained. Still sleeping. Or at least it looked like she was sleeping. It was hard to tell from the distance, but also you weren't sure if she was pretending or not. 

Glory has her acidic venom. You remembered. She's probably our only ticket out of here. 

A part of you just wished Glory could just use her venom on Scarlet then and there, and maybe the Dragonets, (along hopefully with yourself) would be able to escape in the chaos. Like in the actual story, but of course, that wasn't the case. So far, things had been going around the same as they had in the books. The Dragonets of Destiny had been captured, they had all experienced the private audience with Scarlet, and Horizon had fought and died to Peril, and now Clay was about to fight an Icewing, if you remembered correctly, but that didn't mean things could unexpectedly change. 

That was probably the main reason why you were still being secretive about the information that you knew. And where you came from. Tsunami had already asked you many questions about your life, and how you seemed so sure of everything, but you weren't ready to tell her the truth...

Not yet anyway...

Tsunami, who sat beside you, towering over you, was currently staring intently and nervously down at Clay. You could understand why she was worried. 

"It's alright. He'll survive. I'm sure." You reassured her. Her ears flickered in your direction, as her tail twitched a bit, as she heard your words. 

A sudden flapping from nearby got you attention. You were beyond suprised to see that it was... Peril? Yes, it was her. She had flown down and landed on a platform not too far from the one that you and Tsunami shared. With a jolt, you realized that she was sitting on the now empty platform that Horizon had been imprisoned. 

You saw as she glanced at Tsunami for a second, but her eyes widened when she noticed you. You couldn't blame her if she was suprised that she was seeing an uneaten Scavenger sharing a platform with another Dragon... or at least you guessed that was the reason, but you were still uneasy around her. Especially considering that she had literally burned a Dragon to death, and you had gotten to witness it in graphic first-hand detail. You nudged Tsunami, as she looked over, saw Peril, before she growled, and pulled you closer to her with her tail. 

"Don't come any closer!" Tsunami shouted at her, even though the two of them were on completely separate pillars. Peril just snorted, giving you a mysterious look, before turning her attention to what was going on below. You and Tsunami did the same.

She must be there to watch the arena fight below. I guess she's not allowed to sit with Scarlet. Or anywhere near any other Dragons.

Queen Scarlet, meanwhile, was grinning madly, before she let out a roar. "Bring in the combatant!" 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat