7 | Always and Forever

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"You okay, Han?"

It was a half an hour's ride to the college from our house. We were already half way to it, while I was processing all that had happened before we left the house.

"What gives me away?" I tried to sound funny, as if she'd buy that.

"Your continuous blabbering, I guess?"

Sarcasm? Oh yes, I was eerily silent throughout the ride, which is unlikely of me, especially with her by my side.

"Just, doing a little thinking on___"

"How good of a psychiatrist you're?" She laughed.

"Oh please, I'm not one!"

"Come on, don't give that a lot of your brains. Okay, you might not be a psychiatrist, but I see you as one, at least for me if not for the rest of the world," We reached the college campus and Ann parked the car before continuing her talk. She took my hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Just know that you are my best and will always be."


"Always and Forever." She smiled.

"Even if you get to marry Issac?" I teased.

She'd told me the name of the guy that she had a crush on was Issac, I have yet to see the one who has his impression and influence on my girl.

"Pff, who knows if our paths will ever cross again in this very lifetime? Maybe we're meant to unite in our next." She's such a dramatic tease. We both burst out laughing at that and got down from the car.

The main entrance was a crowded mess. It was the first day for freshers and every face appeared to be confused, not knowing where to go and what to do, that's when an elderly woman came and stood in front of the crowd to put them at ease.

"A very good day everybody," She began. "It's Mrs. Susan Wellington, the principal's PA, here to address you. It's your first day in this institution and you are all expected at the auditorium at 10 am, where the principal will be addressing the gathering, after that you will be taken on a tour around the campus by your respective department secretaries. Good luck all and thank you."

It was 9.30 am now, we had more 30 minutes to kill. Some of the students were leaving the hall to wait outside till 10. The hall now appeared less crowded than it was when we entered, that's when Ann gasped.

"What is it?"

"He's here!"

"Who's here?"


"What!?" I was confused.

"Isaac's here!"

She said he was not from around here, so how come he's in this institution? I felt something off of the hook here, though not sure if it was for the good, or worse.

The only thing I was sure about was, that I'll not allow my Ann to be hurt, or broken over some guy who doesn't deserve her.

Yes, if he intends to hurt her I'll make sure his life turns into a miserable mess.

Then again, why am I jumping to conclusions without knowing the exact truth? I've not even seen him yet!

I turned around to look in the direction that Ann was still staring at and found myself on the verge of gasping, but thought better of it and clapped my mouth with my hand.

I made sure Ann didn't notice me, I didn't want to freak her out more than she already was. He didn't notice us.

I quickly turned around, grabbed Ann's wrist and started pulling her towards the restrooms.

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