8 | Love You for Who You Are

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We were inside the auditorium, where the principal was 'Addressing the Gathering'. It was boring, I mean, listening to the institution's history wasn't something we wanted. At least I didn't!

"I suggest you take a nap. There's plenty of time before it's gonna be over." Ann said.

"And you're gonna be all attentive I guess?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Someone has to keep a watch, what if we get caught. I'll have your back." We both laughed, making sure not to bring attention to us.

We were sitting in a far corner of the auditorium so that Issac couldn't see us, at least not me before the break.

"What are you gonna do when we meet him during break?"

"I'll pretend yelling at him for lying to my face, then bring up the fact that I like him too."

"Okay, sounds good to me,"

We talked about this after her meet up with Issac at the hall and she agreed to open up about her feelings for him, the plan on how exactly she's gonna do it remained undiscussed, so now that was covered too.

"I know that grin! Don't you dare try anything with us."

Yeah, I was grinning, that evil grin saying, wait-till-you-two-get-intimate. It was not because I had something on my mind to get them there, but I just felt it'd happen and was of course excited.

Why wouldn't I be? It's gonna be her first relationship, first love, first kiss and all the other firsts in the track of love, oh my god! I was excited more than she was.

"No, I'm not planning anything dear, I just feel it'd happen on its own accord and I'm more than excited!" God! I was having a hard time containing my joy.

"Your 7th sense says so?"

"All of the other senses too!"

"I'm in trouble..." She mumbled, I patted her back.

Finally, the 'Addressing the Gathering' thing was over and we were taken on our tour around the campus by the secretaries, of course to the department first and then to the campus. I made sure not to get myself spotted by Issac.

We were taken to the library first and I made a mental note to visit it often. Then there was the college sports club where you'd have to sign in for you to be an official member of a team.

After that we were taken to our classrooms and told that no classes will be there for the day as it was our first and that we can explore the campus on our own if we wanted to.

I was too excited to even think about getting to know my classmates and there were only 5 minutes left for the break!

I walked out of the classroom and tried to look around for the Computer Applications department, that was were I'd find Anna.

I found it in no time and was about to enter a class to check if it was of the freshers when I bumped into a girl. I steadied both of us and tried to get a better look of her so that I can apologise.

I found I didn't need to, 'cause it was my Ann, she looked like she'd soon have a panic attack.

I was going all crazy and felt my nerves get the best out of me, I could only imagine how she felt. I hugged her tight and released her after a couple of minutes.

"Feeling better?"


"We don't have to do this if you're not ready."

"No, let's get this over with, the later it gets the more it'll hurt if he's not into me."

She was right, let's get this over with. We walked towards the cafeteria and saw Issac being seated at a table for two, all on his own. From the look of his face I can say that he's all nervous too.

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