V. Twelve

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The voice made the bald headed girl sit up in her thin-mattressed bed. She looked up to see one of the tall guards in white clothing standing in the doorway.

"Dr. Brenner would like to see you for your test today." He told her as she hesitantly stood up and followed the man. She walked through the silent halls , the man stood closely behind her. The girl looked older than young Twelve, with darker skin and a shaved head.

From the end of the hall, she could see another shaved head girl who was walking alongside two guards. Twelve could see very clearly in her eyes that the girl was drained and tired. Looking up, the girl made eye contact with Twelve.

As the two crossed paths, Twelve stopped walking to stare at the girl as the other girl stared back but was forced to continue walking.

The guard behind Twelve gave her a push, urging her to continue walking.

As they reached the room, Dr. Brenner eyes lit up to the sight of Twelve. "Ahh, Twelve. How are you this morning?" He asked with a smile as she only stared at the man. "Still haven't came out of your shell, I see. Well, that's alright." He said as he ushered her inside of a room, closing the door once she entered inside.

All that was in the room was a table, chair and a squirrel on the table who had been caught and was captured in a cage.

The girl sat at the table and stared at Dr. Brenner and the other guards who stood behind him through the glass window at the front of the room.

Twelve placed both of her hands on the table as Dr. Brenner nodded at two of the guards who entered the room and began plugging monitoring cords on her body. After they finished, they exited the room and stood beside Brenner again.

Brenner cleared his throat before speaking, "This test should be quite easy for you. You see Twelve, we've learned that you have two abilities but we have yet to figure out what the second one may be. So, to find out, we will use what we know you already have." Dr. Brenner explained as Twelve glanced at the squirrel who was eating nuts inside the cage.

"Using your element manipulation, I want you to set this squirrel on fire, Twelve."

Twelve looked up at the man, horrified by what he had asked her to do. Twelve looked back down at the squirrel to who had finished its food and was now looking at its surrounding, clearly wanting to get out.

Twelve stared at the innocent squirrel, feeling the eyes of Brenner on her. Her lips trembled, not wanting to hurt the cute animal but also afraid of what papa would do to her if she didn't.

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