XVI. The Bath

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The tan skinned teenager and her abuela drove back to their residence with the red head child dressed in a hospital gown in the backseat.

The smaller girl hardly spoke any words, she only spoke once to tell them her name. For most of the car ride, she stared out of the window, watching the dull trees that they drove past.

When she told them her name was Twelve, they thought she was joking until she exposed her tattoo on her wrist with the number twelve on it with permanent ink.

When they reached their home, they moved out of vehicle with Nora helping Twelve out of the car.

Once they were inside, Nora led Twelve towards the living room as all took a seat in the brown colored chairs.

Nora and her abuela didn't miss the way the girl silently looked around their house in amazement, as if it was her first time being in a house.

"So..." The elder woman was the first to speak since the car. "Do you know your parents phone number? So I could call them?" The red head looked at her for moment before shaking her head.

"Do they live around here? Maybe you could show me where you live?"

The small girl thought for a moment as she realized that she didn't know where she lived. The oldest woman understood her silence before she huffed.

"Abuela, she came from the hospital. We should probably call there and see if they're missing a patient," Nora suggested as she stood from the couch, her abuela agreeing.

Twelve quickly reached her hand out towards Nora using her wind ability to yank Nora back into her seat.

The girl let out a scream as the older woman gasped, a hand over her heart, "DEAR GOD!"

"Don't call" Was all the girl said, in a pleading tone. "How did you--How did you do that?" Nora asked, breathing heavily wth a startled expression.

Twelve didn't answer Nora's question, "Bad people" She said again which made the grandmother and granddaughter more confused.

"There's bad people in the hospital?" Nora asked as Twelve nodded her head. "People that want to hurt you?" The grandmother added with a question before the girl nodded again.

"Is that why you ran away from there?"


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