VIII. Shocking News

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THE NEXT DAY, Julianna quickly finished getting ready so that she could go to Mike's house before school starts

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THE NEXT DAY, Julianna quickly finished getting ready so that she could go to Mike's house before school starts. After the group found out about where Will was last night, that morning, Mike told the group that he had a plan through their supercomm and to meet him at his house.

Making her way downstairs, she didn't see Nora around which made her feel slightly nervous. However, she just shrugged it off and put her shoes on.

As she was about to exit into the garage, she heard a cough behind her as she stopped and turned to be met with her older sister, who had her arms crossed and was already in her clothes for school.

"Your principle called just now." Is all Nora said, Julie noticed the sharp tone in her sister's voice which made her straightened up since it was very rare for Nora to have this attitude with her.

With Julie's silence, Nora continued, "He said yesterday you never showed up to school which is very unlike you. What's going on Jules?"

Julianna couldn't tell Nora what she found out about Will. Not yet at least since they weren't completely sure if it was all true. She hated to keep secrets from her sister but she, along with the rest of the group, had promised to stay quiet about it.

"T-That's not true, I was ther-"

"And now you're lying to me?" Nora stared at her little sister with a look of shock. Nora saw the way Julianna rubbed her nose which is something she does a lot when she lies, it was something that she had been doing since she was little and Nora picked up on the habit quickly.

The wavy-haired girl sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry Jules, but you're grounded."

"But I-" Julianna went to speak again before she was stopped by her older sister again.

"No 'buts' Jules. After school, I expect you to be here and I'll be here right after school to make sure that you are." Nora said firmly, she knew that Julie hated to being caged in but she needed to put her foot down in some type of way.

She didn't like how Julianna kept leaving out and not coming back until late at night but she allowed it because she knew that Julie was just having fun with her new friends. But now she's missing out on school which was something that was very valued by Nora.

Julie stood there, staring at her for a second before picking up her bag and leaving into the garage without another word.

"WE JUST TELL OUR parents we have AV club after school. That'll give us at least a few hours for Operator Mirkwood." Mike explained to his friends as Julianna ran down the stairs into Mike's basement. The four boys were all huddled around the D&D table.

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