Chapter 14: I Want Love

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It didn't start this way.

I was infatuated by him, that's all. But somehow that fascination - and his refusal of my advances - turned into something else entirely.

Or better yet, HE turned my feelings for him into something else. I was glad just playing the field. I didn't think I was going to fall in love with anyone mere months away from being mated.

Honestly, who needs the heartbreak?

Not me. Not Mr. I Never Had A Boyfriend. It figures that I decide to do that just when I shouldn't. I mean... really?

But that's life for you. It throws you for a loop and now I'm too into him to give up on it. I don't want to. Not at all.

In fact, nothing would give me more pleasure than to be mated to my beloved omega. I want him and no one else. Funny how life works, ain't it?

I never wanted to settle down. But now that I'm on the verge of it, I just want to do it with him. And only him.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's early December and I don't get mated until February. I still have plenty of time to have fun with my omega. I'm just in my head about it. I guess the faster February approaches, the more nervous I get.

I suppose it's normal to be nervous. It's only the rest of your life we're talking about.

It's a weird thing that werewolves don't get to pick their partners in life. Really weird. But we don't have a choice in the matter.

I mean, technically we do. You can reject them. No one is forcing you to do anything against your will nor anyone can push you to accept your mate. It really has to be YOUR decision.

However, if you do reject them know this:

You will be alone for the rest of your life.

Even if you get the occasional booty call or professional help (wink, wink), you will NEVER have a real partner in life. Not unless you abandon werewolf society and get yourself a human.

And even in that case, you'll NEVER forget your mate. For the rest of your life, no matter who you have sex with or how many years you live, your mate will NEVER get out of your head.

And I do mean ever.

So yeah, no wonder people accept their mates at face value. Because if it was easy to reject them and remake your life, NO ONE would accept them in the first place.

We live in a small town with over 20.000 werewolves. And I don't know a single person who rejected their mate. Of course, I know adults who haven't found their mate yet. But that's a different story. There's no deadline to when you can find your mate. It can take years.

But my point is: it's not really a choice, is it?

Oh and one more thing.

Oh and one more thing

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