Chapter 22: Under Pressure

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The night of the party

I stared as my mate - gasp - ran away from me and my best friend walked away soon afterwards.

After a moment, I turn around to face the crowd of shocked faces concerned for me. I can see their wheels turning and some people already mind linking someone else to tell them the news. The future Alpha got mated to an omega. An omega he despises. Not only that, but a male one.

How the fuck did I get stuck with a boy for mate?

Seriously, Goddess? I'd understand teaching me a lesson by pairing me with Olivia, Rachel... But why a boy? You do know I'm straight, right? Is your WiFi having issues on the Moon? Because I could've e-mailed you that in case you needed it. I'm available.

I walked slowly past everyone's freaked out stares at me. Then, I passed my jaw dropped looking parents to get inside the house. And I hid myself in my bedroom. My parents thanked everyone for their presence and politely sent them on their way. There's no mood for celebration anymore.

Not like if Ash would've been my...

My Goddess, poor Ash! I didn't even check on her. I hope she forgives me, though it's not really my fault. I'm not the one responsible for this mess. I'm not even the one who chased away my mate - gasp - or my best friend. It's just the way the cookie crumbled.

I cried myself to sleep. I really did. My pillow got so wet I needed another one.

I woke up late on Monday, though that's to be expected on winter break and my birthday.

I got downstairs to the dining room to get some breakfast and the household staff wished me happy birthday along the way. The maids, the cooks, the gardener, everyone. It's so lovely. Most of whom I grew up with as they worked at the pack house.

I also got hugs from visitors and some other residents. Like I said, we have unmated warriors and pack members living with us. They all congratulated me - those who weren't already out, working - and it felt nice, despite everything.

Soon enough, I felt a hug from my mom. I basked in her warm embrace. She had set aside some breakfast for me in the microwave and I thanked her for it. She kissed me and let me go on my way.

I ate my breakfast alone and I commiserate over not seeing my best friend in the house, like he always comes. That's a tough pill to swallow, especially on my birthday. I thought about calling or even visiting him, but quickly shot that down. If he wanted to see me, he'd make himself available to me.

That doesn't seem to be happening any time soon. Not that I blame him particularly.

If he got mated to Ash, I'd be pissed too. So, I get it. Ironically, now I kinda hope they get mated to each other, to be honest. She deserves a good guy, even if it can't be me.

Tears come to my eyes reminiscing all this. After I washed the dishes, I stepped out of the kitchen only to hear a familiar voice.

My dad calls me from his office. It's soundproof, but the door was open. So...

"Good morning, dad." - I greeted him, dreading this conversation already.

He looked distraught. He was gobsmacked yesterday after the revelation. But now he just looks nervous and worried, which in turn got me to feel it too.

"Morning, son. Close the door." - He replied in a troubled tone.

Fuck. fuck, fuck. Is he going to ban me from Alpha for being mated to an omega?

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