Chapter 19: Friend Like Me

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I got a serious tell off from my parents for being late for dinner.

By the time Elliot and I made love, bathed again in the cold river water, shifted into wolves, ran back to my car and returned to our respective homes it's past dinner time.

Not that I regret what happened in any way. Except for the fact that now I'm starving for running several hours and my parents are ranting about responsibility.

I'd care about what they're saying, but I love Elliott and regret nothing. Not that I'd tell them that. I'm not that crazy. Seriously, have you seen my dad angry? It's not a pretty picture!

However, dad grounded me and told me if I'm not home right after school I'm losing the car.

That certainly got my attention. Not the car, dad. As a teenager, it's my most prized possession. Plus, it's an old convertible in excellent condition. It really is my pride and joy.

"It's Saturday. It's not like I'm late on a school night." - I retorted, grunting.

"That's not the point, son. The problem isn't the time that you arrived. It's that we asked you if you'd be home for dinner and you said yes." - Dad argued, seriously pissed at me.

"It's about responsibility. And accountability. If you say you're gonna be home for dinner, then be. If not, let us know. No one is saying you shouldn't have fun with your boyfriend. But this is not a hotel!" - Mom chimed in, also mad at me.

I lowered my head in shame. I know they're right. I'm not disputing that. But I'm too happy to care, I just had a wonderful date with my omega.

I devoured my first course and repeated it. I'm glad mom always cooked plenty of food.

"Wow! Did you run til Houston?" - Mom snickered, looking at my second plate. I had told my parents I was going for a wolf run with Elliott.

Funny enough, a lot of times teens keep their lives secret from their parents. But I was never made to shame my sexuality or my choices in romance. And though I don't give them a play by play, they always know where I am and who I'm with. It's also why we have such a trusting relationship, not that they approve of unmated sex. No parent does. But at least they're not hypocrites about it.

"No, just till the river. But it's further than I remembered." - I replied as I stuffed my mouth with a juicy steak.

"That's because the last time you went as far as the river you were 14." - Dad smirked.

"Sounds about right. But I'm glad I had the chance. Elliott's wolf is beautiful. Just as I imagined." - I melted at the thought of him.

"I'm glad for you. You deserve to be happy, son. Just keep in mind--"

"I know, dad! It's all I think about! I don't have any other nightmare than being mated to someone else. You don't need to remind me!" - I barked at my dad, cutting him off angrily.

"Your father means well, Simon. He only wishes for you to manage your expectations." - Mom interjected, looking at me with an empathetic gaze.

"I get it, mom. I do. But it's too late now. I love him with all my heart and that's not gonna change any time soon." - I replied with a worried tone. It's the truth and I can't shake him off. I wouldn't, even if I could.

My parents gasp at this. They both sighed and started getting the dishes to the sink. They've never heard me saying that about anyone before. Last time I had a 'serious' relationship, I was between 13 and 14. And it was nothing like this.

"Well, at least his heat has passed. If I get a call about you the way Felix called me about Blackburn, I'd die." - Dad comments after a minute, closing the dishwasher.

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