Chapter 12: The Enlightenment School

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Yao Si had arrived at the Red Planet a number of days ago, but the only time when she had seen Yan Xuan was when he’d brought a doctor-looking bloodling to take a sample and test her bloodline. The next time he appeared before her was on her fifth day on the Red Planet.

“My baby, do you want to learn things?” Yan Xuan patted her on the shoulder. “How about uncle takes you to school so you can make some new friends?”

School! Yao Si’s eyes suddenly brightened.

She didn’t expect that there would be compulsory education in the galactic era. ‘ As an illiterate, this baby expresses that new knowledge is a must, it is indeed time to go to school and get some common sense!’

“Thanks, Uncle Yan.”

Yan Xuan had a pleased smile on his face, showing acknowledgment for her studious attitude. He didn’t delay, leading her straight out the door. Compared to when they arrived at the Red Planet, that cool sword wielding flight, this time Yan Xuan chose a more likely high-tech instrument.

He led her straight to the side of what appeared to be a street and stood with her on a white cross sign. As soon as they stood still, the cross on the ground lit up and a faint operating noise could be heard. The ground shook and the floor in a quadrangle that was two meters around them suddenly rose up, resembling an elevator. It moved forward at a much faster speed though, and it looked like the floor was rushing ahead on it’s own.

This was really high-tech from the future.

Before Yao Si had the opportunity to exclaim, they turned into a street block. Only now did she discover that there were many people that were on the side of the road but traveling in a different direction than they.

On top of that, everyone else was moving at lightning speed, compared to their tortoise like movement. It was hard to say if this type of traveling was meant to let her know this planet better, maybe, since Yan Xuan introduced her to different things at the same time.

That’s the town hall, that’s the Inspection and Quarantine Institute, on the other end was the Galactic Port. He introduced everything that they saw on the way to her clearly.

The more Yao Si listened, the more amazed she felt, until she finally formed a blurry prototype in her mind of this galactic world that was completely different from the sci-fi movies. Looking at rows and rows of buildings that surpassed her imagination as they flashed past, she moved on from her initial astonishment to being amazed, and being amazed even more, and eventually… She got used to it!

Since she didn’t understand anything anyways. ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

That was until a giant green castle floating in mid-air turned up in her line of sight. It was different from all the other strangely shaped buildings. This castle was covered in green plants on the outside, and the building was in a small, rigid high-rise building style from Earth that she was familiar with.

“What’s that place?”

Whether it was because of the familiar style or something else, she felt an odd intimacy with that place from first sight. It made her unable to resist the urge to go over and take a look

Yan Xuan’s eyes shifted to the direction she was pointing. “That’s the Majestic Palace, the place where his imperial highness hibernates.”

His imperial highness?

Yao Si was confused, didn’t the bloodlings enter the liberal democratic galactic era long ago? Maybe they had kept the constitutional monarchy! Just as she wanted to gain some comprehensive knowledge, the flying floor suddenly stopped.

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