Chapter 28 Sick?

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When I wake up, I'm freezing. I'm close to shivering as I wrap the comforter tighter around me. Why the hell is it so cold in here?

I look over and see Peter still sleeping, but I glare at him when I see his new electric blanket over him. He got it a couple days ago, but kept complaining that it was too hot to use it. He better not have done what I think he did.

The door opens, and I look to see Orion coming in with an armful of blankets. "Oh, you're up."

"It's kind of hard to sleep when you're freezing your butt off. Why is it so cold in here anyway?"

Orion places the blankets on top of me and wraps me up tight. "A certain someone blasted the AC last night after everyone went to bed. I've been bringing extra blankets to everyone."

I roll my eyes. "Wow. I can't possibly think of who." Now that I'm warmer, I can feel how tired I am.

"It is only seven in the morning. Get some more sleep, and hopefully, it'll get warmer by the time breakfast rolls around." Orion kisses me on the forehead before leaving the room.

I roll over and go to sleep, but when I wake up again, my throat burns. I cough, trying to clear it, and get out of bed. It's only ten thirty, and I yawn, wishing I can go back to sleep, but also knowing I can't. I trudge downstairs, knowing I can make it through the day without any problem.

I stop when I see the decorations in the kitchen.

Okay. Slight problem.

I totally forgot about the party tonight.

Orion told me that the three neighborhoods close by all join together at a lake half an hour away to make one gigantic Fourth of July party, and this year it's this neighborhood in charge of decorations, food, and the huge firework show at the end.

Ever since I was younger, I've always loved fireworks. I don't know why, but I love the colours, the sparks, the loud bangs. There's just something about them.

My throat still burns, so I get a glass of cold water to hopefully help with the pain. Hopefully, if I ignore this problem, it will go away.

I see Lincoln walking down the hallway to the front door carrying a box. "Can I help?" I ask.

He nods to the hall closet. "There's decorations in there. Bring them to the car."

I nod, grab a box from the closet, and follow Lincoln outside to the car.

Along with help from Orion, Sam, and Dev, we get all the decorations in the car.

"Everybody in," Orion says. "We have to unload and decorate when we get there."

Everyone hops in, but I stay put. "Hold on. Let me go get a jacket."

"But it's like a hundred degrees out here!" Sam calls, but I'm already inside. I run up the stairs, into our room, and grab my hoodie. I put it on and then take a shaky breath. I'm freezing cold, and Sam is right. It's sweating hot outside. This isn't good.

By the time I get in the car and we're down the road, my head starts hurting. I rest it against the window in the back seat and close my eyes. I can feel my throat burning every time I swallow, and I'm sweating in my jacket.

"Are you alright, Blythe?" Lincoln asks, looking at me from across the aisle.

I open my eyes and smile at him. "I'm fine. Just tired."

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Orion asks, glancing back at me from the driver's seat.

"Sorta." I shrug. "Sleeping when it's cold is the best, but there is a limit."

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