Chapter 30 Play Dead

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Lincoln is still feeling sick in the morning, but everyone else seems to have recovered well enough. It's lunch time, and I'm bringing Lincoln some leftover soup, trying very carefully not to spill it as I walk up the stairs. Thankfully, I get there in one piece, and I knock on his door before entering. "Lincoln—" I squeeze my eyes shut as I see Jax and Lincoln on the bed, doing things that someone who's sick should definitely not be doing. "I'll just leave this here," I say and put the bowl on the dresser. Then I turn and hightail it out of there.

I shake my head and plop down at the kitchen table next to Peter, laying my head down and just watching him scroll through Instagram.

Someone knocks on the door, but I don't move, fully intent on spending today being lazy. I hear someone answer the door, and a woman's voice answers. I jerk my head up, and my eyes widen. Crap. I feel in my pocket for that card, and sure enough, I find it. Crap. I hop off the chair and speed walk to the front door.

"—I came yesterday and talked to some boy— him!" She points at me.

Sam looks at me with a what-the-hell-is-she-talking-about face, and I shrug at him, but stop next to him and smile at the woman. "Hi again. One thing, I totally forgot and did not in fact do what you told me to."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," she spits out and glares at me.

"Fuck you, Watson," I say with the same amount of venom, even sticking my tongue out at her, but then I roll my eyes and sigh. "Look, I'm sorry that I forgot. That is my fault. But if you still need to talk to Orion, he's here, and you can talk to him now." I open the door wider and gesture her in.

She doesn't stop glaring but does walk in, and I close the door behind her.

"If you can—"

"Aunt Elise?"

I look to the top of the stairs to see Jax standing there, staring at the woman in shock. His freshly washed hair falls over his eyes.

He sweeps it back. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Jaxon," she says and moves her purse farther onto her shoulder. "I came here to bring you home."

I feel the atmosphere drops twenty degrees, but I don't buy it. She can't take him from us. He belongs here. He isn't leaving. Not ever.

Jax walks down a couple steps. "What are you talking about?"

Elise looks up at him, and her mean demeanour slips. "Something has happened." Her voice is soft. "Is there some place we can talk?" She looks right at me. "Privately." The edge is back.

Jax makes it to the bottom of the steps, looking as confused as I feel. "No. If you wanted to talk to me in private, then you could've texted me before showing up." He turns and heads into the kitchen.

Elise goes after him, and, after a glance at each other, Sam and I follow.

"You can't force me to leave," Jax says, eating from a bag of chips. "We've been over this before. I'm a legal adult. You have no say over me." He eats a chip.

"I'm not forcing you to leave. I am asking you to come home. Your mother's in the hospital."

Jax snorts. "That's nothing new. Why's she in there now? Drugs again? Alcohol?"

"She was hit by a drunk driver two days ago. She's still in the hospital, but the doctors say she'll be fine."

I don't know what's going on, but I can tell that Elise is hesitant when she speaks, almost like the next thing she says is going to set off Jax.

I think he knows that too.

"You only come here if it's important. What aren't you telling me?"

"Please, Jax. It's better if you're with her when you find out."

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