Chapter 1 Arrival

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The car comes to a stop, and I look up at the dark house beside us. Mom gets out of the car and meets the man walking our way from the front door. They talk as I sit there, letting my mind whirl. I feel like crying.

I purse my lips and get out of the car instead, grabbing my backpack on the way. Cicadas chirp in the humid night air, and my hair frizzes. I already hate this place.

But the closer I walk to the two adults, the more my stomach churns. My palms get sweaty, and my heart races. I feel around for my phone, but when I remember that mom took it, I grab onto the bottom of my shirt and practically tear it to pieces as I look anywhere but at them.

"You must be Blythe. I'm Orion. It's nice to meet you."

I hesitate, not trusting myself to speak right now.

"Oh, don't be rude, Blythe." Mom grips onto my shoulder.

I swallow and try to subtly get out of her hold. I hate her touching me. "Nice to meet you," I say quickly, not wanting to seem impolite. My nails stab into my palm, and I swallow the tears.

"If you'll follow me, I can show you where Blythe'll be staying. The others are already sleeping, so try to be quiet. It is very late here." Orion goes inside and mom trails after him, thankfully letting me go.

My eyes cast upward for some reason, looking at the house before going up to the sky. I can see a lot more stars here than I can back home.

Mom calls for me, and I hurry after her, taking one last look outside before the door closes behind me.

The two adults start whispering to each other as we go up some stairs and turn to the left. We go into the first door on the left, and Orion looks at me. "This will be your room, Blythe," he says quietly. He walks over and clicks on a lamp which covers the room in a warm glow. "You're sharing it with Peter, but I think he's sleeping in Jax's room, so you'll have it to yourself tonight. Make yourself at home, and breakfast is at nine tomorrow. You can meet everyone then. Any questions?"

I sit down on the twin bed next to the wall, look down at my hands, and shake my head.

"I have a few questions, Orion," mom says, and she sits down next to me. She puts her hand on my leg, and I stare at it in hate. "Will he be safe here? This has been a hard decision for us, and I'm not sure if he'll be okay here."

"Don't worry. Blythe will be perfectly safe here. There are strict rules against violence, and the other boys are all extremely nice. Blythe will have no trouble fitting in."

"And I can visit him whenever I want to?"

"The door is always open."

"Okay. Then as long as you remember what we talked about on the phone, this should be fine."

I look up as Orion glances at me with a worried frown, but it disappears quickly, and he looks back at mom. "Of course."

I sit on the bed, a ghost in the room, knowing exactly what she told him and hating myself for it.

Mom opens her arms and hugs me. "Well, that's all. Bye, honey. I love you."

"Love you too, mom," I say automatically.

"If you can wait in the hall, I can walk you out," Orion says.

Mom gets up and leaves, closing the door behind her. Not a single look back.

I don't look up as Orion stands there. The air has become awkward, but I don't make a move to stop it.

"It's late," Orion finally says. "Try getting some sleep tonight, and I'll send someone to get you for breakfast in the morning. Good night, Blythe." He leaves, shutting the door behind him, and I relax. Sort of.

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