Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


“I’m afraid I cannot help you with any provisions other than this,” Brandon murmured up at them as they all sat atop their new horses.

Izzie’s horse was a perfect white horse that seemed to react to her very touch with delight; Izzie had always had a connection with horses. She calmed them and they calmed her in return.

She patted Casey’s neck before sitting back in her saddle.

“This is most favourable,” Drystan murmured down to Brandon from his black horse; on foot it would take them too long to catch up with the guard but now they were on the same footing.

“I wish you well on your journey however I must- oh, there he is,” Brandon smiled, opening up his arms when a friar walked into the courtyard.

“Good day, brother,” Jarred nodded down at the man, tipping his black hat that nestled on his head and hid his face from view.

The brother, a small weak thing with a bald spot at the back of his head and wearing a plain brown cloak nodded back at Jarred, rather awkwardly.

“Brother Thomas will be accompanying you,” Brandon informed them; Izzie let out a sigh of frustration. Brandon wants them to stop the guard and then he burdens them with a non-fighting religious man that would most likely be killed on his first night out.

Brandon ordered another horse to be brought out and he helped the friar into the saddle; he wobbled a few times and Izzie shook her head in annoyance.

Casey, her horse, stepped back and forth in annoyance as well; feeding off her own emotions.

“Are you sure you would not feel more comfortable in the monastery?” Izzie asked Brother Thomas, “Your precious book will not help you out there,” she nodded to the way he clutched the bible to his chest.

“I trust that my Lord will guide me through,” he smiled at Izzie, “I would only hope that your find the same confidence in the Lord that I have,”

“I have confidence in my blade and my skill,” Izzie told him, “Soon, you will find that there is no place for the almighty out in the wild,” Izzie clicked her tongue and moved her horse on, heading out of the castle through the back streets. Following Brandon’s instructions.

It wasn’t long before she heard the hooves of the other horses follow her and they were on their way to the next village Brandon suspected the guard were heading to; Gowan Hill.  

After they left the capital they pushed the horses hard to get a good lead on the guards before they set up camp a few hours later as the last remnants of the light started to vanish from the sky.

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