Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Jesus Christ!” Iagan shouted when they caught up with Izzie and found her sat atop a large embankment at the back of the whorehouse , inspecting an arrow.

“Sorry,” Iagan nodded to Thomas when he realised he had blasphemed.

“You missed one hell of a show,” Izzie called over at them, without even looking up.

“I can see that,” Drystan muttered when he caught sight of the ten royal guards all tied up to a large post; most with wounds to their legs and a couple with head injuries but he was glad to see that she hadn’t killed any.

“It was touch and go,” she muttered when Drystan remarked on it, “But the beating they got from the working girls was rather amusing that it was almost worth letting them live,”

“I’m sorry I missed it,” Drystan muttered as he got down from his horse and walking across to her, “What’s that?” he nodded to the arrow.

“Nothing,” Izzie shook her head and placed it inside her quiver on her horse, “What do we do with that lot?” Izzie nodded to the guards.

“I’ll send a message to Brandon until then they can remain there,” Drystan muttered as he looked Isadora over.

She had just taken down ten royal guards, something all of them could do, but she had not a single mark on her. Her hair was wavier than before and lighter as if it had just been washed and her skin held that new brightness to it making her seem even more beautiful.

“You! You!” A deep voice called across the courtyard and Izzie’s hand went to her dagger until she saw it was only the owner of the establishment, he’d been begging her all day to stay.

“Are you in control of this woman?” Barius asked Drystan, pointing his meaty finger at her.

“I can’t imagine anyone being in control of her,” Drystan muttered and Izzie regarded Drystan carefully before turning back to Barius.

“Well, who is, because I would like to offer her a job,” Barius growled as he removed a pouch of gold at his waist.

“Sir, the gold you seek in this morale turpentine of business, is unholy and against God’s work. Surely, you can see the sin you are invoking,” Thomas spoke like a true Christian as he recited the lord to a whorehouse worker.

“Son,” Barius turned on Thomas, “I make people feel good. It’s exactly the same as following your God,” He waved Thomas away and turned back to Izzie and Drystan however the others had soon gathered around, their arms draped around a woman, “How much do you want for her?”

Izzie removed her sword and aimed it at his throat, “I’m not for sale,”

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