Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

“Are you sure you want to be doing that?” The Prince faked bravado as she let him stand up; she wasn’t about to kill him while he was on his back.

If she was anything she was an honest fighter.

“I’m sure,” Izzie narrowed her eyes at him, keeping her grip on her sword light yet tight at the same time.

The guards had lined the square but no one was moving an inch as she threatened the Prince, soon to become the new King. Villagers and traders were watching on with horror and fear at what was going to happen.

But Izzie only had eyes for Asher; she couldn’t worry about Iagan or the others. She couldn’t be distracted.

“I could cast another spell on you,” The Prince looked at her with those pale eyes, as he slowly got to his feet, hand held out for her not to attack.

Izzie remained within a sword's reach of his neck, a small chuckle leaving her lips, “You don’t do magic. I figured it out,” Izzie laughed as she saw the expression on his face.

“I admit, it took me a while,” Izzie shrugged a shoulder as she remembered the way he seemed to stab her and then there was no injury the next morning, “But it was nothing more than some bad herbs you planted in the food,”

He knew that after so many weeks on the run, fighting off his father’s men, they were going to be hungry and unable to resist a whole buffet of food.

Izzie had fallen into the trap and become drugged so when it looked like he’d stabbed her he’d done nothing more than smear pig’s blood on her which he had cleaned away before she woke up.

“You’re nothing more than a fake,” Izzie growled, jumping to the side when he tried to make a dash down a side alley, “You killed your own father to get the throne! Why don’t you tell your people that!?” Izzie screamed, declaring it public knowledge for the entire town.

“Lies!” Asher panicked when he saw the whispers that were beginning to travel around. Soon it would be common knowledge to the entire country.

“You took advantage of his illness and set the country against him so that they would be happy to see his rule end!”

“L-Lies! The she-devil lies!” Asher tried to convince his people but no one was listening anymore as she backed him up against one of the pillars which held up the stage where numerous people had been hanged.

“Now,” Izzie growled, placing her sword back against his throat, “It’s time for your rule to end.”

It was like a torch going off inside his head.

Gone was the fake nervous young prince and in its place was the mastermind killer; his nervous twitching was replaced with a chauvinistic grin and he stood straighter up against the poll.

“As much as I’ve liked our little chat I’m not about to be killed by a peasant,” Asher laughed her off as he tried to take a step forward, “And a woman, at that!”  

Izzie growled and pressed him back against the pillar, “I might be a woman and I might be a peasant . . . but I’m the one with the sword,” She smirked as he noted his disadvantage.

Asher raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her comment, Izzie grew worried.

With her focus on his throat, her fingers itching to end it all, he raised his leg and booted her in the abdomen; making her double over at the waist, releasing him.

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