Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Brandon sent his own personal guard to collect the king’s men and Izzie didn’t know where he took them and she didn’t care.

Because now they could carry on with their job rather than babysitting; she hoped it wasn’t going to be like this every time they stopped the guard.

Maybe they should kill them; send a message to the others but Izzie’s thought was left unspoken as they hit the road again.

Thomas looked haggard and Iagan was singing in his rough voice so none of them could understand what he was saying but the tune was upbeat and the Jarred and Dermot soon started to hum along with him.

“Ye alright laddie?” Iagan chuckled up to Thomas who was almost asleep on his horse.

Izzie looked back at Iagan.

“You probably kept him awake with your snoring,” Drystan called back at him.

“Verra funny,” Iagan mocked laughed at them all.

Izzie felt her lips twitch but she didn’t go all the way and burst out laughing; it was funny but she didn’t know them and she was still thinking of the woman who had shot at her with an arrow.

She hadn’t seen her since but she knew she hadn’t imagined it so either she had given up her quest to kill Izzie, which Izzie still didn’t understand why, or she was still following her.

Izzie keeps her eyes glued to the forest tree line, expecting an arrow to come at her from any side but she would know when she was going to be hit so Izzie kept herself calm as to not alert the others.

Izzie was pulled out of her thoughts when a figure burst out of the trees in front of them, causing their horses to rear up from the shock of a sudden object being thrown at them.

“Oh, help us, please! Please, you have to help us! My father . . . he’s being attacked, please you have to help!” A young girl with brown hair pleaded up at them dressed in a simple cloth dress and cloak.

Izzie had a flashback to her own past as she stared at this young child and Izzie couldn’t help but notice the resemblance to herself.

Jarred and Drystan were the first to hit the ground and follow her into the forest. Izzie ordered Thomas to remain with the horses whilst she and the others followed Drystan into the forest, following the sounds of their footsteps.

Izzie knew when they were getting closer because the screams grew louder.

When they reached a small clearing they found a group of men hauling a family off of a small carriage and looting their belongings.

Izzie stared at the men who weren’t royal guards and seemed more like common thugs when a girl’s high pitched screams rented the air and she turned to see that she was being pressed against a tree with a man hitching her skirts up over her waist.

“Hey!” Izzie screamed, feeling a wave of emotion churning up inside her, as she charged up behind him and launched herself onto his back, slicing her dagger across his throat and feeling his warm blood soak over her fingers.

Dropping back to the floor she pushed him to the side and watched his body fall to the ground; dead weight.

“Are you okay?” she asked the girl pulling her up straight when she heard the small hiss of air made by a sword and she pulled them both out of the way, the sword falling into nothing but air to the right of her.

“Go!” Izzie ordered the girl as she twirled out of the way and removed her own sword from its sheath, circling the man who had attacked from behind.

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