Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Someone had once told Izzie that if it was too good to be true then it usually was.

And so it was when she and Drystan defeated the royal guard with simple ease. They shared a look of confusion.

“I thought it was going to be harder than that,” Drystan murmured as he stared at the numerous unconscious bodies that lay at their feet.

“So did-” Izzie started when a crowd of royal guards appeared from out of nowhere and came charging at them; outnumbering them almost one hundred to one.

Izzie bent her knees and flipped her sword effortlessly in her hand before she gripped the handle and smiled at the approaching horde, “Let’s have some fun,” she chuckled as she ran straight for the first guard and the bloodbath began.

Drystan looked at her as if she was mad but he wasn’t about to let her go in there alone so he simply shook his head and joined her; slashing his sword against the men’s backs and legs as he stopped them from burning another village to the ground.

“How do you-” Drystan head-butted one soldier in the head before swinging his sword at another that came up behind him, “suppose to,” he lifted his leg and kicked a guard in the chest, sending no less than five guards to the ground with him, “beat all of these guards!?” Drystan shouted to Isadora as he dodged a swing of a sword and retaliated.

“Just keep-” Izzie screamed back as she jumped and wrapped her thighs around a man’s neck, suffocating him even as she continued fighting with her sword, “fighting!”

Drystan shook his head, “Thanks for the tip!” he scoffed; he had that part down.

They might be better than any guard here but there were a lot more guards here than them. And they couldn’t kill them whereas the guards could kill them without a second thought.

Izzie was glad to be in the middle of a fight; after everything that had happened with Beth and Dawn and Thomas she was glad to finally let her frustration out no matter if she was outnumbered.

She’d been outnumbered before and these stupid apes hardly posed a challenge as she sliced through them like a knife through butter.

As another guard dropped to the ground, leaving a space where he had once stood, Izzie looked up and saw a guard with a black moustache.

He charged at her, sword swinging high in the air as he let out a large war cry which didn’t frighten Izzie at all.

Standing up straight she dealt with three other soldiers before he even got close to her and when he did she simply raised her hand and gripped his wrist, holding his sword to the side, whilst she connected the butt of her sword against his temple and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Izzie stared at the man as he slept on the floor when she heard a boot fall in the dust behind her.

Turning sharply, she lifted her sword to gut him when an arrow suddenly protruded from his chest.

The boy coughed up thick red blood, his eyes flickering one last time, before he fell to the ground, face first.

Looking up she saw Dawn stood there, side on, with her bow slightly raised. She tilted her head at Izzie as if taunting her with her expertise.

Izzie narrowed her eyes at the woman before she heard another guard approach and she turned to attack; she had a battle to fight and she couldn’t be distracted with simple minded people like Dawn.

But if Dawn was here then that meant the others were as well meaning they would have back up and maybe the fight would be over sooner.

Izzie didn’t like that thought but she didn’t fancy fighting all day long when she would much rather be having something to eat.

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