Chapter 13: Meeting

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"Where should I go now? An inn... maybe. Mmm... One isn't that far from this place."

I threw away the paper map Eina gave me and looked at the map floating on the left side of my face. There are projected in great detail the entire structure of the city. This will save me a lot of trouble; I'm not someone who remembers places I've ever been, so I often get lost quite easily.

It's been a few minutes since I left the adventurer's guild after clarifying to Eina that I still had no intention of starting a Familia in a hurry. I told her that I wanted to take my time to think and decide, to which she, after reminding me not to enter the dungeon without a Familia, let me go.

What an unreasonable and incomprehensible woman she is. Well, that's just the way she is, I guess...


A round, golden coin rose in front of my face from the tip of my thumb.

As Eina lectured me for a few moments for sell my novice adventurer's armor right under her nose, she let me go after explaining that I didn't have any money.

She insisted on giving me money, which in this case was called "Valis," although I obviously refused it from her.

I had a few thousand valis in my account after robbing the bandits who raided the village.

"Is this it? Being from a world resembling the Middle Ages, the inn isn't bad at all...".

I looked with satisfaction at the two-story house before me.

Even though the whole structure was made of wood and stone bases, they were so well polished that they gave a nice fresh feeling.

I opened the door and entered the inn.

The round tables and the chairs surrounding each of them came into my vision. The curious adventurers chatting amicably over beers at each table stopped what they were doing and looked in my direction.

'I would appreciate it if they would treat me like a wind, yes, a wind.'

I mumbled in my mind and ignored the intense stares amidst the absolute silence, where only my footsteps echoed as I approached the counter; I arrived in front of the middle-aged man.

'Hey, I would appreciate it if, instead of a man, I would be greeted by a pretty receptionist like the ones I always read about in novels...'.

"Are there any spare rooms? I want to stay here for a while." I said bluntly.

"Welcome to our inn, kid. If you need a room, fill out these papers and pay the amount below based on your stay."

A huge grin from ear to ear that didn't match the man's bear-like body and an apparent stern look appeared on his face.

'Seriously, how many papers do I have to fill out in this world?'

I took the paper and quickly filled it out, although it didn't ask for anything other than the name and the belonging 'Family.' Come to think of it, how can I write and understand such strange characters? However, it is in my favor.

I paid the man the amount indicated on the sheet. Since I had no intention of staying here long, I paid for a week's stay, which is exactly seven days.

This makes me wonder if this world was an alternative land or not. I mean, I had never heard the name of this world in the anime other than the city called "Orario," and from what I've seen so far, taking away the fact that a huge world hung in outer space, both the moon and the sun, everything was still the same.

"Your room is the seventh room on the left of the second floor."

After passing the man the sheet, he pointed to my room and handed me a metal key.

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