Ch5 The Goddess of Light, P2

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Chapter 5: The Goddess of Light (2)

Kye and company showed up at the food court and found Louise already waiting for them. She waved them over, surprised to see Isabel with them. They exchanged greetings with Kye insisting for her to drop the "lady" title, as she did with Isabel, since they were both students. Situated on the edge of the academy that bordered the city, the academy food court was the largest in Arslade and open to the public. It held the same security as the academy proper and members of the public were required to consent to that before entering.

The area the girls chose had several popular specialty stores for burgers, pizzas, tacos, and more. Louise offered to treat them, but Kye insisted on using her own "credit" to cover the transaction.

I haven't had a lot of opportunities to become accustomed to this method of exchange. There isn't a standard form of currency, rather contribution to society tracked and everyone is required to maintain a minimum to be allowed luxury transactions. While basic living is free, stuff like household utilities, food, water, and some transportation, going out to eat at restaurants and the like is not. Nobody knows how much contribution they have unless they are low. The system warns them if their habits outweigh their contributions. It's not like a bank account in a regular world that you can just check whenever you want. It's a complex system that's managed by the System.

I've experienced a lot of different government structures, but this is the first time that I've seen a functioning currency-less structure. We buy luxury with what is basically our reputation, and that technically could be considered currency, but it's not that simple. Everyone is required to maintain a minimum contribution to do anything not considered essential for living. I think it works so well because this world is capable of enforcing the concept of "there are no people who are capable of doing nothing", thanks to how advanced the society is and magic on top of that.

All companies are run by the government, which means all medical facilities are run by the government, and they absolutely will heal you no matter the physical ailment, though depending on the severity it may take time for a skilled-enough doctor to become available. Even blindness and deafness can be healed enough to be usable. Mental ailments are healed on a case-by-case basis; some are best left alone and there exists a list of mental impairments that are allowed to be healed, creatively dubbed "The Allowed Mental List". Some, such as ASD are not on the list and the government will assist in finding a job you are capable of. The government will always provide training when it is necessary.

As with anything, the system has a lot more to it, but in general, people who contribute more are able to make more luxury transactions. I could understand an argument that this is technically a currency, but eh... it works and keeps people honest. People like me who have contributed a lot to society are generally allowed to "buy" whatever we want. I invented aethersteel, even if it's not publicly called that, and I have created many spells. So, I have a lot of contribution built up, and I don't mind "paying". Sometimes I have to be pushy about it though...

"So, you've come to me because you haven't been able to successfully over-enchant?" Kye asked. "And you want to treat me and company in exchange for advice?"

Louise nodded. "It sounds somewhat dirty when you put it that way. I don't want to exchange advice for treating you to food, but rather I wanted to treat you as thanks for making time for this."

Kye shrugged. "To be honest, I didn't have to make time. We probably would have come here for lunch anyway. I'll help you, but you have to let me cover it. My contribution is kinda bonkers... so, I like to use it when I can." She noticed Louise was trying to hide some frustration and immediately apologized. "Look, I really appreciate you wanting to thank me for meeting with you and I understand that as an archnoble you must have significant contribution yourself, but..." Kye struggled to put her reasoning into words, but Alethea knew what she was thinking.

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