Ch12: Radiance, P7

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Chapter 12: Radiance (7)

"Tch. Tough nut."

"What'll you do? You've thrown two ultimate spells at it and it's barely damaged."

"Yeah. And it regenerates too quickly. I'll have to hit it with something that'll destroy it in one hit."

"Do you think you can?"

"Yes. I have another spell in mind. It's technically an origin spell, but no origin magic requires origin mana. You just don't get world altering effects, which works out just fine here." She glanced back at the barrier mountains. "I should avoid rewriting the map too much."

"I don't know how to respond to that..."

Kye chuckled. "Long story short, it would be classified as ultimate if it were classified, but it's not a spell I'll allow anyone to learn."

"Why not?"

"Origin magic isn't something mortals have any business meddling with. It cannot be learned through trial and error. One must be perfect. One mistake is death. If I make even the tiniest mistake casting it, I'll die."

"You'd better not mess up!"

"Yes, ma'am." Kye smirked. "Oh, the beast is powering up. Heh, it's angry. Oh, it's got a new sword."

"I'm changing back. Odachi again?"

"Yes." Astraia quickly formed back into an oversized katana, exactly as she was at the start of the battle. "Where did it even get that sword? Whatever, no time to think about that now."

The beast rushed Kye, closing the distance quickly, but it did not catch her off-guard. She parried and kicked the beast higher into the air.

"It's focusing too much on its weapon now. That's a fatal mistake against me."

Kye flew upward to meet the beast and exchanged several blows. She landed several counters on the beast with her feet and knees while keeping its weapon occupied with her own. She soon started getting in small cuts. It screamed in pain when Kye cut deep across its chest. It broke off and flew higher into the sky, but she didn't chase it.


Kye examined the blood left on Hikarimaru. She pulled the mana from it and encased it in an orb of her aether. The beast began gathering mana, which Kye knew wouldn't end well if she didn't act first. She quickly poured an enormous amount of radiant aether into the orb, it growing bigger until it was a meter in diameter. She pointed the orb at the beast.

"This is where I need to do the single massive mana burst. Brace yourself. It's not going to tickle."

"I'm ready."

"<<Light Nova>>!" Kye focused. She rapidly sped up time around her, channeling all the while, and simultaneously compressing her already sped up time to a fraction of a second. In a five-thousandth of a second, she experienced five thousand seconds of channeling, all through her bond with Astraia. In that single instant, the power within the orb grew to a level that the elder royal thought was unimaginable. It was a level of power she had only experienced within Kye's soul, where Elysia wielded her full power.

The orb left Kye's hand with a tremendous shockwave and a bright flash of light that temporarily blinded everyone that could see it. The flash only lasted a second, but in that second, the beast was carried off into the upper atmosphere and beyond, continuing until it escaped the atmosphere entirely.

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