Ch10 Eighteenth Birthday, P9

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Chapter 10: Eighteenth Birthday (9)

"Be that as it may," Atalante said, "I want both of you - Kye and Alethea - to refrain from wielding Hikarimaru and Gaia outside of times they are necessary."

"That goes without saying. The more we rely on them, the slower our growth. One year and we can win with them. Five years and we can win without them." She eyed Allison for a moment, but her aunt remained silent, so Kye continued on to another topic. "Moving on, I believe it would be best if I take up a role as an instructor immediately. Obviously, not as a general education instructor. I would only need to be assigned as a mana instructor. If this cannot happen without the several requirements in place, that's fine, I'll simply wait until then. However, and I apologize father, I will become one as soon as possible. My ascension to the throne will have to wait, if you still intend for me to inherit it."

"Very well," he replied. "I do not intend to abdicate for another few centuries, so there's plenty of time for you to be an instructor or find an alternate solution if one becomes necessary."

"We will discuss your instructor status in the next scheduled meeting," said Alexandra with a warm smile. "I personally am glad you want to be an instructor and will ensure it is fairly discussed."

Kye nodded. "Now..." She took a deep breath. "I need to ask for something... difficult." She turned to Alethea, who had an idea of what Kye was thinking but was dreading being right. "Since I soul bonded with Astraia in January, I have had access to her knowledge. Thus, I now know much better the standards for commoners, nobles, and royals. I already knew marriage is allowed once both parties are of both legal and chronological age, but I did not know..." she sighed, not wanting to continue the topic.

"Absolutely not," Layla said. "You are too young. I do not care what the law states, I will not have it."

Several of the council members had not pieced together what they meant.

"I am not against it," Allison said, earning a glare from Layla that she returned undeterred.

"I think you should wait," James added.

"It is necessary!" Kye argued. "Kaede took the quickest route, but Azalea is particular, and I need her now. Will you do it instead, mother? I don't relish the idea of doing it myself this early, but-"

"No, I will not," Layla snapped back. "If she is particular, then she can wait. You can neither miss school nor be there if-"

"If it's planned, I can work around school. I can use illusory magic to hide it."

"And if you suddenly get sick in class?"

By that point, all the women had picked up on what they were talking about, but the men were still clueless, aside from James.

"I'll be fine. If I get sick, I'll simply heal myself before anyone notices."

"If that were a reliable solution, the rest of us wouldn't need to take so many precautions! You will not be able to channel mana as well throughout. Ask me how I know! You were particularly difficult. Your siblings didn't come even close! And your intention is to bring another of your level into this world?"

"It won't be the first time I've done this, far from it."

"Wait, are you talking about pregnancy?" Zen asked, his face betraying the proverbial light bulb.

""Stay out of it!""

Zen was dumbfounded, but didn't say another word.

"I can manage. My grades will not suffer in the slightest! And I can keep up appearances just fine."

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