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Actually attending classes would have been top on the priority list for any new student at a boarding school, but that was probably second on mine. That's right, because I had a parcel to collect. I had climbed over the cold metal school fences, which were not even that tall, and stood by the edge of the pavement whilst I waited for my supplier, who had a major crush on me by the way, to drop off some good stuff for me. This is the moment you shower me in praise for being such a girlboss that I managed to get my drug-dealer to drive an hour and a half out of town to give me a couple of joints for half price.

Just a couple of harmless joints, it's not like I was a hardcore crack head, atleast not anymore, so I don't think it should be a problem for my roommate. Hell, if it is, we can get high together. The roaring of a motorbike tells me he's here, and he parks the bike on the side of the road, pulling off his helmet and walking over to me. When he reaches me, he opens his arms and I go in for a hug, his cold leather jacket sleeves loosely wrapped around my waist, and when I pull back, he kisses my cheek.

"It's been a whole fucking week that I haven't seen you, how are you?" He smiles, fixing his messy hair.

"Yeah, good. It's.. different. How are you keeping? Have you heard anything from my dad?" I ask, nervously biting my lip, concerned about how my father's keeping. The only way they knew each other is once when my dad caught him delivering me a spliff, and I thought he would flip but he surprised me by telling me how 'we were all young once', and then proceeded to get high with me and laugh all night over his college photos. It's probably fucking obvious that me and my father have a best friend bond, and me and my mother don't, but all of us process events differently, and her way to deal with the past was to shut me out, causing us to have this 'lovely' relationship that we have to this day.

"Yeah, he's good. I think his jobs been good and all. You settled in yet?" He asks, more caring than your usual drug-dealer, for obvious reasons. As sweet as he is, I'd never make the mistake of getting too close with a drug dealer again, and I view him as more of an older brother than boyfriend anyways.

"Yeah, im good. Well I got lessons to go to, so yeah.. thanks for the goodies." I smile, handing him a crisp twenty, and pocketing the joints, waving him off as I walk back to school grounds, rounding the corner past the bushes before I jump over the fence again.

I sneak back into my dorm and open the door, coughing at the strong smell of burning. Rushing to the kitchen, my eyes tear up from the thick smoke clouding my vision, choking as the heaviness of the smoke blocks my throat. I pull the sleeve of my sweater over my hand and use it to cover my mouth and nose, and tug the oven door open, opening all the windows for the smoke to exit. Most of the smoke leaves after ten minutes, my burnt pie crumbled in the middle of the tray, sitting there like depressing evidence of yet another failure of mine. Cooking is not for me, period.

Disposing of the remaining food, I spray air freshener to rid the burnt smell, and I lay down on the sofa, exhausted after rushing around my own dorm like a paranoid criminal. I'm finally beginning to relax when I remember something and my body jolts up with a fright, eyes wide in panic. Fuck.

Running around the place in search, I yell out Angels name, praying to God that silly dog didn't jump out the window or something. I take a packet of dog food in my side bag and walk out our room, locking the door on my way out. Can I ever get a rest?


By the time I've searched our whole wing, it's last period, and even though I only planned on missing one lesson I missed out on a whole days worth. Weighing the pros and cons, I stand outside of the Latin class, and debate with myself whether or not I go in, having reached my last resort. There's like a 70% chance Jordan will murder me, considering that dog is his pride and joy, but I've practically searched the whole school grounds and he's nowhere to be seen.

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