15 ☁︎

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It seemed my teachers managed to ruin the blessing of school coming to an end too, as they bombarded us with countless homework tasks to complete. I speed walked to our dorm room, in a haste to get out of the uncomfortable uniform that only itched against my throbbing bruise. Questions are still fleeting through my head, and so many of them, about the random marks on my body and the remainder of last nights events. And, although my well-being should be my top priority as of right now, I can't help but being overcome by curiosity as to what Reagan's words meant.

I contemplate asking Raizel or Amelie about her, probably Raizel since she usually has all the gossip on people. Almost as if she read my mind, my phone in my hand blares as her caller ID lights up the screen. I answer the phone, placing it on the dresser as I pull my sweater over my head.

"Hey girl, how you doing?" She asks on speaker phone as I begin unbuttoning the white blouse underneath.

"I'm alright babe, what's up?" I reply, shrugging off the shirt so I'm left in my black lace bralette as I search for my hoodies. I'm not the type of girl to wear a bra on a day I don't have to, the stiff feeling off the wire only discomforts me.

"So, I was wondering, did you have any plans for tonight..." She trails off tentatively, and I kneel down by my dresser drawer as I search through the piles of clothes. When I can't find my favourite brown hoodie, I pull on the one that Jordan gave me a couple days ago. He won't mind, right? It's not like he'll miss it, otherwise he should've gotten it back after he gave it. Finders keepers, amirite? Plus, he has like a gazillion other ones, I always see him in his hoodies and sweats.

"Um, no, I don't. Why?" I tug the warm, thick material over my head, pulling out my strands of hair from inside it.

"Okay, good. I have something fun planned. Wear your best inconspicuous outfit." She cackles menacingly to herself and then hangs up. What the fuck?

"I'm sorry, you said you had something fun planned?" I groan as the minivan comes to a stop. That's right, minivan. Raizel, being the crazy extra chick that she is, rented a black minivan for tonight, just to 'look the part'. Her words, not mine. She told us we were doing something we shouldn't be doing tonight, and whilst I was an addict to getting myself in all of the wrong things, I couldn't help the nerves bubbling inside my stomach.

She told us to dress inconspicuously, so I have the same black hoodie from before pulled slightly over my head, my long brown hair parted in two on both sides down my chest. Paired with my slightly baggy (also black) cargo pants, and black sneakers, I look fit enough to rob a house. I wouldn't put it past Raizel to make us do that too. Opposite me, Reece sits dressed in all black too, as is Amelie but with black denim shorts and a black zip up with an iconic pink love heart on it. Jordan sits next to Reece, legs spread as his large form takes up the space, dressed in cargos and a hoodie also.

We didn't even plan to match, but it turned out that way. His hood is pulled over his head, his dead eyes staring straight out the window with both his hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. Raizel drives the minivan, Mason beside her because he insisted that if she drives by herself she would kill us all. If she heard that she would've slapped the shit out of him, but we've all seen how Raizel drives like a madman and decided to let Mason try and assist her up front.

"Does anyone know where she's taking us?" Amelie asks from beside me, her knee bobbing up and down as the rain lashes down against the windowpanes. Night has already descended on us as the clocks near half past ten, most students of Elmgreen High tucked safely away into their rooms whilst we broke free. It only took Mason slipping the security a crisp hundred to get us out of there untraced.

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