chapter eight.

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(Y/n) didn't even know what street she was on by the time her mind cleared. Her vision had been blurred with tears for the last three blocks, her attempts to hold back her sobs causing her to now pay any attention to the street signs or what direction she was even walking in.

She had her duffle bag draped across her body, one hand on the bag while the other was constantly wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks. She could feel her eyes getting puffier, though it was worth the tension it seemed to relieve within her.

She could feel herself becoming tired again, her muscles relaxing. She began dragging her feet, forcing her to eventually stop with a combination of growing exhaustion and the fact that she was definitely lost.

(Y/n) looked around a bit, leaning against a nearby building as she calmed herself down a bit more. Right now, she just needed to focus on getting back onto the right path to The Ripped Page.

I could probably look up a path on my phone, then at least I'll get there and know that no one's going through it, she thought.

She reached into her pockets, digging around a bit as she searched for her phone. That was until she heard some yelling from not too far away, which was disturbing as it was definitely late.

"You like picking on the little guy, huh?!" Then the sound of punching and something hitting against a wall.

(Y/n) looked up to find a couple figures in the alleyway across the street. There was a person on the ground and two people brawling it out in the darkness.

You've got to be kidding me, she thought. She pushed off the wall to go over and deal with it, until her mind went back to the wedding store incident earlier that day.

Should she even be going over there? Was she totally sure that this wasn't a trap of some kind? Is it worth the risk?

All that went out the window when she heard a cry of pain.

(Y/n) sprinted across the street, leaping onto the curb and throwing her bag aside at the entrance of the alleyway. She held her hands out, blue markings appearing on her exposed skin. Thankfully, it'd rained a little bit earlier that night, so the ground was covered with many puddles.

"That's enough!" she yelled, pointing her hands at the two fighting as whip-like strains of water came from the puddles. They wrapped around each fighter, pinning their arms to their sides and pulling them apart. She pushed them against the opposite walls of the alleyway. "What the hell are you two doing?!"

(Y/n) looked between the two, double taking to the person to her left. She blinked a couple times, shaking her head as she said, "Hinami?"

They'd returned to The Ripped Page not long after that, turning in the other brawler to the police and sending the person on the ground to the hospital

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They'd returned to The Ripped Page not long after that, turning in the other brawler to the police and sending the person on the ground to the hospital. Hinami sat on the couch, her head and knuckles wrapped in bandages. (Y/n) was at the kitchen, preparing something warm for the two of them to drink.

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