chapter twelve.

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It didn't take long to pack Hinami's items – especially because she felt she didn't need to bring her whole life with her to Tokyo. It was nice that she was able to go to the safety of her family and the different city.

When she came into the bedroom, she took over packing from Kunikida's poor attempt. He was sent into the living room, where he pulled out his phone and began making calls.

His first call, of course, was to the President. Kunikida informed him of what was occurring and the next steps that he figured they would need to take. The President agreed and the call ended as he went off to call the authorities in Tokyo to inform them of the situation and of Hinami's incoming arrival.

Once Kunikida got off the phone, Hinami appeared in the doorway with her partially filled suitcase. Her long, blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, of which rested on her shoulder. She played and picked at the ends with her free hand, placing the suitcase down as he approached her.

"Do you have everything you need?" he asked, placing his phone back into his pocket.

"Yes, I do." Her eyes were red and puffy, some tears still lingering as they made her eyes glisten under the few shards of sunlight that peered in through the curtains. "I just need to go to the train station. Hibiki told me that he went online to buy me a ticket back to Tokyo."

"I'll have some officers accompany you to Tokyo. The President of the Agency is contacting the authorities in Tokyo currently to inform them of the situation."

Hinami slowly nodded. Kunikida wasn't sure what to do at that moment. He knew that Hinami was going to be safe, especially with all the precautions they were taking. There was just a part of him that wishes that he could oversee her safety throughout the entire ordeal himself – especially since she was such an important person to (Y/n).

Kunikida walked her to the train station, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity throughout the walk

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Kunikida walked her to the train station, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity throughout the walk. It wasn't far to get there from the Ripped Page, but it was just enough to warrant nervousness.

Once they got there, Hinami retrieved her ticket and sat on the bench. He waited with her there until the officers arrived to escort her onboard. She twisted the ticket in her hands, staring down at it. He kept a vigilant eye out.

There was silence between them for most of the walk and the wait. Hinami eventually broke the tension as she said, "Please tell (Y/n) to keep me in the loop. I just want to make sure she's okay."

Kunikida turned to her with slight surprise in his expression. "I can't have her contact you directly since she's going to a secure area." Her own expression began to fall. It was clear she understood why, but that didn't mean she wasn't disappointed. "If you give me your number, I can keep in contact with you to keep you in the loop."

And so Hinami began to search for something to write her number on. Eventually, Kunikida flipped to a blank page in his notebook. He allowed her to write the number, just as the officers, and soon after the train, arrived.

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