chapter nineteen.

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Kunikida walked Yosano and Ranpo back out to their car after Yosano grabbed her keys from between the couch cushions. Right as they made it out onto the porch, the door closed with (Y/n) left inside the safe house, Ranpo turned back to Kunikida and asked, "How long have you been in love with (Y/n)?"

Yosano snapped her head back around as soon as the question left Ranpo's lips. Kunikida couldn't contain his shock as he immediately retorted, "What are you talking about?"

"I saw the way you looked at her back inside," Ranpo continued. Yosano reached out, about to stop him. She stopped herself when she noticed Kunikida's reaction to Ranpo's question (though it was more of a declaration), realizing that Ranpo was right on target. "I've always seen the way you look at her. Now more than ever, you're deeply in love with (Y/n) despite her engagement to our colleague."

"Why would you even say that?" Kunikida pressed his hands against his hips, narrowing his eyes at Ranpo. "I do not have those feelings for (Y/n). Our relationship is purely platonic, and that is that."

"You're constantly worried for her safety and often attempt to be there for her before Dazai can be."

"When have I ever done that?"

"We saw it firsthand after the attack at the wedding dress shop," Ranpo stated. "You were there before Dazai, comforting her as if she were your companion. You're hard on her because you can't bear to see her hurt or in trouble."

Kunikida was about to refute Ranpo's claims, but he could not find the right words. He let his hands slip off his hips, dangling them at his sides.

"Fine," he finally said, "I am in love with (Y/n)."

Yosano and Ranpo shared a look. She asked him, "How long have you been in love with her?"

"It was not long after she and I worked our first case together. I just looked at her exactly a week after it concluded and realized that I had feelings for her."

"Have you ever considered telling her about your feelings? Before her and Dazai got together, I mean?"

"I did, however it is not appropriate as we are coworkers and were often together in a professional setting."

"But what about that time when she wasn't a part of the Agency? Those two years she was gone."

Kunikida remained silent. Yosano sighed, stepping up to Kunikida. "Do you still feel as strongly about her as you did when you first realized you were in love with her?"

"Even stronger."

She placed a hand on his shoulder. She told him in a gentle voice, "(Y/n) is about to become a married woman and while I certainly don't recommend you do this, now is the time to do something about your feelings if you truly feel so strongly about her.

"Just know that your actions do have consequences. You have her own feelings to worry about on top of Dazai's – and I can't imagine a world where he would be okay with you confessing your love for his fiancée. The man was an executive for the Port Mafia."

"I know." Kunikida looked back towards the safe house, peering in through one of the windows. He watched as (Y/n) came out of the bedroom, beginning to pull out the groceries from the bag Kunikida returned with. "There has always been a part of me that longs for her—"

"Okay, Kunikida!" Yosano quickly cut him off. "We don't need to go that deep into it." She patted his shoulder. "I'm just saying that whatever you decide, be prepared for someone to get hurt in the end."

Yosano and Ranpo turned away, walking towards their car just as Junichiro and Dazai pulled up. They drove off just as Dazai leapt up onto the porch, sharing a quick "hello" with Kunikida before rushing inside. Kunikida watched as Dazai enveloped (Y/n) in a hug as soon as he saw her, sharing a kiss before the two began to talk incoherently.

"Hey Kunikida," Junichiro greeted as he walked up. He soon saw the conflicting expression on Kunikida's face and asked, "What's going on?"

Kunikida opened the door to the safe house and led him inside. "There's a lot to discuss." 


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