Chapter 25

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Roxanne finally got home later on in the evening after her and Willow had fun on the boardwalk. She immediately went to her room and got comfortable. Afterwards she went and found her mom who was in the living room reading a book.

"Hey momma." Roxanne says then sits next to her mom.

"Hey sweetheart." Her mom says looking up from her book. "How was your lunch with Willow?"

"It was good. I hope that you guys don't mind that I've told her everything that had been happening lately."

"Oh, honey you know I don't mind. I've told her mom everything too. We girls need an outlet to tell our life issues to. I want you to know sweetheart that I am currently not speaking to your dad for the way that he spoke to me and to you. I love you honey, and you will always come first no matter how long I have been with your father."

"Awe thank you momma. So, if you don't mind me asking, what did dad tell you?"

"That Lucas is a demon who pinned him to a wall and that he will hurt you. Is that true?"

"Lucas is a demon yes, but like wolves the demon has a name. The demons name is Oliver and momma he's really caring, and he would do anything for me. Dad called Lucas a worthless human and it pissed off both Lucas and Oliver, so dad got an earful from Oliver and trust me it was a lot."

"Oh, honey I'm sorry."

"Dad also said that I would have to hide Lucas from being my mate from the werewolf community but momma I don't want to. I've been hiding Lucas for the last year, and I am so tired of hiding him. Momma, please talk to dad about it because whether he likes it or not, I am telling the whole school about us on Monday."

"Well tell the school about you and Lucas while I talk to you father. He has no right to tell you to hide your relationship, no matter if the werewolf community might like it or not. It's up to the wolves on whether they like your relationship or not."

"I think that dad gave me a loophole momma."

"Oh really?" Her mom says sitting up a little showing her interest.

"Yea. He said that my alpha ceremony will take place before Liam I get married. The day that I becoming alpha will come soon after graduation and the marriage will happen in the fall. Mom, I don't want to be married to Liam. Please help me out of it." Roxanne says to her mother

"Honey you're going to be alpha in 3 1/2 months, when it's your time to reign over this pack you can make that call. I support anything that you do, and I support your decision to not get married to Liam." Her mom says with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, momma. Willow is Liam's mate anyways and I feel bad that dad put me in that position."

"Liam is Willow's mate?" Her mom says shocked.

"Yes, and they have been together for the last year. I just feel bad that she has to hide their relationship for this long."

"I'm going to have a serious talk with your father about this whole stupid plan he has in his pea size brain."

Roxanne chuckled with her mom on what she said about her father. Roxanne loved the conversation she was having with her mom and was glad that they had talked things out about what has been happening lately.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetie, you can always ask me things."

"Why did you just stand there when dad announced my engagement to Liam at dinner that night?" Roxanne asks her mother.

"I was just following what your dad wanted unknowing any of what he had just talked about, well until now at least. I am sorry that I didn't speak up for you then."

"It's ok momma, you spoke up for me now, and you even spoke up for yourself finally. Dad cannot treat you that way, it's not a great example of a relationship that I want. I've read somewhere that a girl gets into a relationship based on how their mom's get treated. I don't want that type of relationship where I stay quiet when my significant other is making decisions for me or for the pack. Thank you for showing me that is not what I want."

"O-Of course sweetheart, that is totally what I was trying to show you." Her mom says.

Edythe went quiet on her daughter because she didn't realize how smart her daughter actually was. She knew that Roxanne was academically smart but not street smart and know what she wants out of life. Granted that she never really asked her daughter what she wanted out of life or what she wanted in general. Guess her daughter was right, her husband was controlling everything that she was saying or what she was doing.

Roxanne watches as her mom make a realization that what her dad was doing to her was really toxic and that they shouldn't ever be like ever, that they should be happy. Roxanne placed her hand on her mom's shoulder which allowed her mom to snap out of her thoughts.

"Mom, are you ok?" Roxanne says to her mother.

"Huh? Oh, yea I'm fine sweetheart. Go do your homework while I talk to your father about things." Her mom says softly.

"Of course, momma. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. I'll come by later on if you're not busy or sleeping to check in on you."

"I like that idea mom. I'll see you later on or not. Whichever comes first."

Her mom nods and then kisses her daughter on the top of her head. Roxanne got up and went to her room not saying a word to her father whom she passed by in the hallway.

"You're not going to say good night or anything to your father."

"Why should I say anything to him when he's a pigheaded jerk who doesn't give a shit about what his daughter wants. Or the fact that she found her mate and he's not even happy for her. All that matters to you is the fact that there is a strong werewolf line and not the happiness of those around him. Your own wife is finally realizing what a controlling dick you are!" Roxanne says finally feeling a weigh lift off of her shoulders.

Roxanne all of a sudden felt a stinging pain on her cheek. It then dawned on her and Rose that her own father just slapped her hard. She then stumbled back and hits the wall that was behind her, she then looked up at her father whose eyes were completely yellow. She was met with the personality of her dads wolf: Jones.

"You ungrateful bitch, we have done everything for you, and this is how you repay us." Jones says who is his father's wolf's name.

"You have no idea what kind of shit he's put me through Jones! he doesn't even care that I found my mate, all he cares about is what species he is!"

"He's a demon, all he will do is hurt you!"

"No, he won't Jones. Get the fuck out of my goddamn face and go back to your wife who knows how much of a controlling dick you really guys are."

Jones just growls at his daughter and then walks away to go somewhere. Roxanne holds her aching cheek as she walks to her room. Her dad must've hit her so hard that there must be some kind of mark on her cheek. Once she got to her room and shut the door, she then went to her joining bathroom and removed her hand from her cheek. A small gasp escaped her lips when she saw the red handprint on her left cheek.

"Oh my." She says softly.

"That looks pretty bad."

She jumps at the sound of the voice and then turns and sees Lucas standing in the doorway of her bathroom. She immediately covered her cheek, embarrassed that he saw that.

Hope this doesn't affect anything that happens between them going forward. She hopes that he doesn't see her any differently that he does right now.

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