Chapter 28

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~Roxanne's POV~
Willow and I were getting ready for the dance and having the best time of our lives while we were getting ready. We were dancing around my room enjoying each other's company after we had gotten home from our hair and nail appointments. I had my dress hanging up by my closet so that way it can stay wrinkle free. There was a knock on my bedroom door and Willow went to answer it. When she opened it, Roxanne's mom was on the other side of the door with snacks in her hand.

"Here girls, have some snacks before you guys eat tonight." My mom says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks momma. These look really good."

"Your welcome girls. How are things coming along?"

"Good. We don't have much left to do before the dance so that's something." Willow says to my mom.

"What do you ladies have left to do?"

"We just gotta get dressed and do our makeup. The dance starts at 6 and the guys are coming to get us at 5:30, so in like an hour or so. We have time to hang out and get ready."

"That's good. Enjoy the snacks ladies and I will see you in a bit or so. Now if you will excuse me, I must go deal with your father who is trying to deal with the fact that he is losing control over his wife and daughter." My mom tells me happiness laced in her voice.

"He should've realized that long ago that he's too controlling and that he should really tone down how he talks to us."

"Yea I agree with that sweetheart. I'll come back in a few hours and let you know when the boys are here."

"Thanks mom."

My mom nods and then leaves Willow and I alone to continue having a good time. When it was finally close to the time that the guys were going to get here, I grabbed my dress off of the hanger that was hanging near my closet. Willow got changed into her dress with my help and I stand by smiling happy for my best friend. After we got Willow into her dress, I grabbed mine from the hanger and put it on my bed next to my shoes. I was so excited for the dance because this was the first of many social events that I would be able to attend with my mate and my soon to be beta. Once Willow was all set, she looked away from me so that way I could have some privacy for when I got changed. I quickly got changed only to find that I couldn't zip up my zipper on the back of my dress.

"Will?" I say softly.

"Hmm?" She says then turns and looks at me.

"Is it possible if you could please help me zip up my dress?"

"Of course, turn your back towards me."

I nod and then do what she asks and have the back of my dress facing her. I felt the dress tighten up a bit as she zipped it up for me. I then looked at myself in the mirror and smiled softly at how beautiful I looked in it. I went and grabbed my shoes that will be matching my dress which were next to my purse and my jacket. I smiles when I was about two inches taller than what I normally was, I know for a fact that Lucas will hate them because he in fact loves my height just the way it is. I finished getting ready for the dance and see that Willow was ready as well.

"Girls, the boys are here." I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I smile softly as I did the final touches on my makeup and my hair. I looked over at Willow who was also doing the finishing touches on her outfit as well. After we both made sure that we both looked appropriate. Once we were both happy with our appearances, we smiled at one another and nodded in acknowledgement.

We then headed downstairs and saw the boys there talking with my mom. I see Lucas catch my eye and he smiles softly, I watch his eyes darken with something I've seen many times in his eyes, lust. I giggled and that must've caught my mom's attention and she turned to see Willow and I standing there.

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