Chapter One: Who Am I?

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Author:  I apologise if this is not to your liking. It probably is a slow and boring start but it is always hard to write beginnings.

Your young five year old eyes open to see a bearded old man hovering over you.

Grandfather: Morning.

Your eyes trail from his scruffy beard to his lab coat. Then you look around to see white walls and white floors.

Y/N: Morning... Grandpa.

You rub your eyes before letting out a yawn.

Grandfather: Come on get up sleepyhead... We have a lot of tests to run this morning.

You follow your grandfather out of the room where he hands you an apple and a glass of milk. You swiftly drink the milk before taking a bite of the apple. You look as your grandfather fiddles about with his computer.

Grandfather: You still too young for any cybernetic implants and not quite strong enough for physical training... Looks like all we can do is work on your brain and fill it with knowledge.

Y/N: Okay.

You take another bite of the apple and your grandfather smiles at you as the apple's juice dribbles down your chin.

Grandfather: You got to clean up after yourself.

Your grandfather bends down and wipes your chin before lifting you up onto a chair close to his. You look at the desk filled with books.

Grandfather: I want you to read as much as you can before lunch.

Y/N: Okay.

Your grandfather watches you as you pick up a book on history. He smiles.

Grandfather Mind: It may not seem like fun... But this is all to help you.

(Timeskip - Eight years later)

You sit in your room using your grandfather's devices to 3D print a skull looking mask. You notice a call coming from your grandfather.

Y/N (Call): Grandpa... Everything okay?

Grandpa (Call): Yeah I got all the supplies we need to continue with your cybernetic upgrades and even got some new Cyberware for you to try.

Y/N (Call): That's good... What about the nanobot suit?

Grandpa (Call): I told you... You are not ready yet.

Y/N (Call): But I have been working out everyday... My body can handle it.

Grandpa (Call): That may be... But your mind can't.

Y/N (Call): You think I will go over the edge... You designed the nanobots as a way to improve my strength without concern of Cyberpsychosis.

Grandpa (Call): I am aware but the nanobots will be too much for your brain implants and you run the risk of them short circuiting your implants... Understood?

You hit your head on your workbench but not too hard.

Y/N (Call): Fine... What is another few more years of training with no clear goal.

Grandpa (Call):... I will explain everything when you are ready.

Y/N (Call): Yeah yeah... See you when you get to the lab.

You stare at the ceiling sighing quite loudly.

Y/N: So many questions... And barely any answers. Why can't I leave... Do I have parents... What is my purpose for living? 

You examine your newly made mask with a blank expression.

Y/N: That's enough free time for today... Time for some more exercising... Then dinner.

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