Chapter Five: Unpredictable

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Author: Happy New Year or just happy year depending on when you're reading this.

It's been a day since you were imprisoned. You sit in a prisoner uniform in the cafeteria. Your face is heavily bruised. You look at the guards glaring at you. You smirk seeing them all as bruised as you.

Y/N: Numbers don't mean squat in death.

Prisoner: What is your obsession with death?

Y/N: Because I'm... (Batman)

Prisoner: The Reaper yeah yeah... But still... Don't you think you are over doing it.

Y/N: Shut up... I won't be judged by a cannibal.

Prisoner: Hey! I am in here for blowing up an Arasaka robot... I ain't no cannibal.

Y/N: You ate a leg.

Prisoner: Eating my own leg isn't cannibalism dumbass!

Y/N: Yes it is!

Guards: Quiet!

Y/N: I'll kill you!

You glare at the guards.

At the Luna Roses camp, Mercy continues to work on the Nanobots while the rest wait for Falco, David and Lucy to return.

V: So who exactly is she looking for?

Rebecca: Y/N's mom.

V: Right... And she can help us how?

Rebecca: Because it is unpredictable.

V: Yeah Lucy said that... But how can she help us?

Rebecca: Unpredictable.

Jackie laughs as Rebecca continues to stare at V with a straight face.

V: You're not going to answer me are you?

Rebecca: Unpredictable.

V sighs in irritation as Jackie laughs in amusement.

Suddenly Falco's car pulls up revealing the three who left as well as your mother. The four exit and join your friends.

M/N: I hear my son needs my help... I'm happy to be needed but sad that he's in enough trouble to require my aid.

Rebecca: Yeah... You know the Mastermind... Any idea how we get Y/N out of Tartaros.

M/N: Actually as a matter of fact... I do.

Rebecca and the others smile happily.

M/N: However it is very risky and you'll probably not like it.

Your crewmates plus Merc look at you curiously.

M/N: We need to kill Y/N.

Crew: What?!

M/N: Now before you all decide to do something hasty... Allow me to explain...

Rebecca: I know we want an unpredictable plan but... This is way too unpredictable besides we want Y/N out and alive. You're his mother right?

Your mother sighs with a sad expression.

M/N: I am but I'm not worthy of being his mother anymore... When I say killed... I mean temporarily of course.

Rebecca: You want to turn him into a zombie?

Sally: Awesome!

M/N: No...

Lucy: You've made a new kind of chip haven't you?

M/N: As a matter of fact... I have.

Your mother hands a chip to Lucy who inspects it curiously.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now