Halloween Chapter: Wild Hunt

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Author: Happy Halloween... This will be in two parts. I have written a Lucy book now so feel free to check it out if you haven't already.

Months have past since your friend David and your sister Lucy went to the moon. In bed Rebecca lays alone. She wakes up after hearing a bang. She turns to look at you only to find you are gone.

Rebecca: Where's my bitch gone to now? He better not have been drinking with Falco again... Because Falco always gets him drunk. I hate drink Y/N... He refuses all my sexual advances.

Rebecca hears weird noises coming from outside her room. She slowly grabs her shotguns from under her pillow and walks over to the door. She leans her ears against it before kicking the door wide open. She points her shotguns at a strange individual with a pumpkin on their head.

Rebecca: Where's Y/N?! Who are you?!

The strange individual raises his arms in the air alarmed by the guns aimed at him. The strange individual is you.

Y/N: It's me... It's Y/N! I'm Y/N!

Rebecca: Y/N?! Fuck me why the fuck are you doing out here?!...

You take off your mask as Rebecca slowly lowers her guns. She stares at you disturbed.

Rebecca: And why the fuck are you wearing a pumpkin on your head?! You look stupid.

Y/N: Because it's halloween... Do I really look that stupid?

Rebecca: Of course you do and that doesn't explain why a pumpkin is in your head!

Y/N: People carve faces into pumpkins on Halloween.

Rebecca: Yeah but they don't wear the bloody things!

Y/N: They don't?

Rebecca: No of course not... They leave them lying either inside or outside their homes. They are normally lit up by a candle inside them... That gives them an almost ominous look.

Y/N: Oh... So no pumpkin on head?

Rebecca:No!... Why would you even put it on your head?

Y/N: Well I used to wear a mask and I thought... Hey... Pumpkin head.

Rebecca sighs loudly in annoyance at your ridiculousness.

Rebecca: I love you... I really do... But how is your gonk brain wired so differently to the rest of the world.

Y/N: I don't have... Wait this is a non-literal moment isn't it?

Rebecca grins.

Rebecca: Awww look at you... You're growing up.

Y/N: Loudmouth.

Rebecca: Really?... We're back to that old stupid nickname?

Y/N: You don't have to mock me every second... Besides I am trying.

Rebecca: Yeah yeah I know... Just don't wear a pumpkin on your head. People normally shoot pumpkins on sight and you still haven't rebuilt your Nanobots... That means you would be an easy target.

Y/N: Yeah... I did manage to fix one that I manage to recover from the plaza... Though I can't seem to get it to clone itself just yet.

Rebecca: Good for you... I really don't care about your tiny friends.

Y/N: I'll ban sex.

Rebecca:... Please don't... Anyway what did you do with the stuff inside of the pumpkin?

Y/N: Huh? Oh I just baked it into a pumpkin pie.

Rebecca: You can bake?

Y/N:... Sure.

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