Chapter Three: Hercules

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Author: Great art work above... Adam Pie or Pie Smasher?

The Angel who saved Sally flew through the air over Night city. The light radiating from her dies down as she lands on the roof of an abandoned factory. She enters the building only for a little girl to run up to her.

Girl: Mommy!

Angel: Have you had fun while I was out Susie?

Girl: Yeah... Look what I made?

The angel crouches down to see her daughter holding a Lego version of her.

Angel: Looks just like me... Well done.

The girl giggles as the Angel picks her up. Suddenly alarms start going off making the girl drop the Lego creation. It breaks into pieces.

Girl: Mama! What's going on?!

Angel: Intruders... We need to move!

At your base Ashe wakes up in her bed. Bob stands over her bed handing her a change of clothes. Once Ashe is done Bob holds the door for her. The two walk into the living room to see you trying to choke David.

Ashe: What the hell did I miss?

Falco: David refused to wear the mask Y/N made him for Christmas.

Rebecca: How come he's never choked me like that?

Lucy: I imagine it's because he doesn't want you dead.

Rebecca: Good point.

Y/N: Put the mask on!

David: I don't... Want to.

You roar in anger as David continues to fight for his life. Suddenly the entrance explodes and Sally is launched into you and David.

Ashe: What now?!

Sally: Arasaka is here!

Everyone: What?!

Several Arasaka soldiers storm in and start shooting at you and the crew.

Ashe: Bob... Do something!

All five of you jump behind the couch using it as cover as Bob charges the soldiers knocking them out the way. Rebecca starts receiving a call from Jackie.

Rebecca: His timing is really shit!

You and the crew start fighting the Arasaka soldiers and make your way outside to join Bob. Rebecca follows at the back.

Rebecca (Call): Now isn't really a good time Jackie!

Rebecca hears gunfire on his end.

Rebecca (Call): Jackie?!

Jackie (Call): Yeah sorry... Arasaka are currently shooting at me and V!

Rebecca (Call): You too?!

Jackie (Call): So they are attacking you as well?! Shit! I called because Hercules happens to be leading the soldiers here!

Rebecca (Call): Hercules is there?!

You turn your attention to Rebecca as you blast the many Arasaka soldiers.

Rebecca (Call): We'll try our best... Just don't die Jackie!

Rebecca ends the call and immediately turns to you.

Rebecca: Y/N... We need to go help Jackie!

Y/N: Who is Jackie?!

Rebecca: Hercules is at his location!

Y/N: Everyone... We're going to make a break for it so head to Falco's car!

You grab Rebecca holding her to your chest as you lead her to your bike. Your Nanobots shield the two of you. The rest head to Falco's car. You all drive as the Arasaka soldiers continue to shoot at you all. You call the others.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now