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"𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨 nice." Robby laughed as he jogged up to her the next day.

"Real sweetheart." She scoffed, her lips twitching up in disgust. "God she's so annoying. So is my mom. They both act like they care, but no matter what, whatever they do, it always benefits them one way or the other. Like the only reason, I was dragged home yesterday was so I could do the bills because my mom never does them, and apparently it was my fault." She huffed before pausing and peering back at Robby, who held an understanding look. "Sorry, I'm ranting."

"No, no it's fine. I get it. I love my mom but she acts like she doesn't even care. Like sometimes I have to do everything on my own and I just feel–"


"Yeah." He tilted his head, "Yeah, exactly. And my dad, he doesn't even try. He just left me and my mom all on our own. He can't do shit. And I don't want to end up like him."

"I don't even know what my dad's like. My mom and sister refuse to talk about him with me. But like, I hear them sometimes, talking about him. Bits and pieces. I mean I've tried to piece it together, but I've never gotten anywhere except for the fact they hate him."

"It sucks–"


They continued along with riding the skateboard, having come to the agreement that she had to leave at a certain time so she wouldn't get punished the next day.

He watched the girl ride along the concrete, watching as she progressed from the first time she had tried. He chuckled at the thought, remembering the way she fell when immediately going off to try the small ramps. "What are you laughing at?" She questioned, halting the skateboard in front of him.

"Remember how you fell, the first time you tried the small ramp?"

"Oh shut up. That never happened." She grinned, "Especially considering I can do this," beginning her journey to the larger ramps. He observed her with a smile until he realized where she was going, abruptly running towards her.

"Amana! You can't do the big ramps, yet!" He stood in front of her, his arms out childishly as a form of barrier. "I forbid you."

"Wow, real smooth Swayze. Come on, I'm ready!"

"No but seriously." He exclaimed, dropping his arms. The two stood at the top of the largest ramp, Robby's ankles scraping the near edge of the drop. Glancing down, Adria scoffed, grabbing hold of his shirt and directing him away.

"I don't want you to slip and die. I'd be considered a suspect you know?" Adria muttered, after receiving a look from the boy.

"Oh, so you care about me?" Robby mused, a small smirk lifting on his lips. Adria lightly nudged him, as he feigned hurt, slapping a palm to his heart. "Does Miss Amana have feelings?"

"Shut up." Adria scoffed, attempting to kick the skateboard off the ground. As she continuously tried, Robby couldn't help but laugh, as the girl continued to struggle.

"You need a little help there?"

"I can do this. If you can do it, I am more than capable of–" From her position at the top of the ramp, she could feel her body stumble down, on top of the skateboard. Squeezing her eyes shut, she could feel her body stop on the ground, and with one eye open, she glanced around to find herself at the bottom of the ramp. Robby immediately slid down, hurrying over to her, as he grabbed her helmet to turn her head around. "Adria! Are you alright? Shit." Picking up her wrist, he examined it carefully as Adria watched in amusement. Despite the slight pain, she could feel in her wrist, she felt relatively fine, and she couldn't help but begin to laugh. "So you're the one who cares now huh?"

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