26. A Twist in the Tail

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Lewis, the girls, and I met with Miss Chatham at the dolphin lagoon. The elderly woman had this reaction like she had something important to tell us.

"Mako Island was here long before all of us," she told us like she was telling a fable, "And it will be here long after we've all gone. And long after this full moon."

"Oh yeah, full moon time again," Cleo nodded, "Tonight."

"Is it gonna be as intense as it was last time?" I asked recalling the last full moon.

"The full moon is a powerful force," Miss Chatham answered, "But this time, however, it's even more so."

"Really? How do you know?" Emma wondered.

"I know."

"Not everything can be explained," Lewis jumped in, "Somethings need to be taken on faith." He glanced at Miss Chatham, "Right, Miss C?"

"Right, Lewis," the elderly woman nodded at him.

The girls and I planned on having a sleepover at the house. I had managed to get Dad's and my grandparents' permission to have the girls over. Since it was the beginning of summer break, we didn't have to worry about it being a school night for the season. 


I got back home to set up the house for the sleepover. Thankfully, my grandparents had a full library of movies, which saved us the hassle of heading to the DVD rental place. Earlier, I had stopped by the grocers to pick up a pizza ready to be cooked and a variety of snacks and drinks, though I would be making the smoothies. Grandma made a pavlova with assorted berries on top, which made my mouth salivate. 

Rikki alerted me that a couple of underwater cameras had been installed near the cavern entrance leading to the moon pool. That was when I realized that Dr. Denman had gotten photoshoots of us in our mermaid forms and neither of the girls and I didn't see them since the cameras were small and well hidden.

"Are you feeling okay, Zo?" Grandma asked after I read the message, "Is the party still on?"

"Yeah, it's still on," I nodded trying to forget the fact a popular marine biologist had surveillance photos of the girls and me.

As I was setting up the living room, the doorbell rang. I dropped what I was doing and answered it, seeing that it was Emma, Cleo, and Rikki.

"Guys? You're early," I remarked.

"We need to get to Mako Island right away," Cleo informed me.

"How come?"

"Lewis is in trouble," Emma clarified, "He went to see Dr. Denman to try and talk her out of the search for us."

"We gotta go now," Rikki urged all of us.

"Girls?" Grandma came to the door, "Is everything alright?" She had a concerned expression on her face.

"I think so," I replied.

"Lewis just asked us to do him a favor and we're gonna meet up with him," Cleo jumped in.

"It won't be long Grandma."

I gave her an assured expression before running off with the girls.


The four of us swam swiftly toward Mako Island. I had a bad feeling about everything and that we shouldn't have gotten into the water in the first place.

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