30. Fire and Ice

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The girls and I swam side by side. Emma broke off and did a couple of loop-de-loops. I did a few summersaults and followed the others to the moon pool.

"Show-offs," Rikki smirked at Emma and me as we surfaced.

"I thought we were coming out here to relax," Cleo smiled.

"You can relax at my place, for the whole weekend. My parents are going away," Emma informed us.

"Where to?"

"A crystal-ware convention. My mom collects figurines."

"You know the worst part about that is that I'm not even surprised," Rikki remarked after giving Emma a confused expression.

"Well, how about it?" Emma asked turning to Cleo and me.

"I can't stay over," Cleo answered, " Dad's working, and I have to look after Kim."

"I'd love to Em, but I have other plans. My aunt Ebony is visiting for a few weeks and she and my grandma and I are heading up to Maryborough for an all-girls weekend," I explained giving Emma an apologetic expression.

When I heard Ebony was visiting, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa cleared their plans to spend time with her. The thought of hanging out with Ebony again got me stoked.

"Not a problem, Zoey," Emma nodded knowing that I hardly see my aunt who lived overseas.

"What about you, Rikki?" Cleo turned to her.

"A sleepover in my jim-jams, you're kidding, right?" Rikki gave it some thought.

"Yeah, it's not really Rikki's scene," Emma shrugged.

"Then again, you've got cable, widescreen TV, hot and cold running snacks. Why not? I'll be there."

Rikki submerged back underwater, leaving the moon pool.

"Excellent, all fixed," Cleo grinned.

Emma's expression told me she was worried about Rikki taking advantage of everything, especially in her home. She turned to Cleo frowning at her.

"What?" Cleo wondered.


After getting back home, I packed my duffle and backpack of necessities that I would need for the weekend away in Maryborough. Ebony had arrived in town a few days ago. Like before, I shared the room with her. 

The plan was to drive to Maryborough and get an early start since Grandma hoped to be there during the day. She had booked a hotel room that was perfect for three people for two nights. I had been to Maryborough once when I was a toddler, but I couldn't remember being there. No one blamed me for that! 

"So, you stoked about Maryborough, Zo?" Ebony smiled after I finished packing my duffle and moved on to my backpack to fill in what I would need for the drive.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I heard it has some interesting history there."

"Too right. Your mum loved walking around there on her first visit. The older part of town was her favorite. When she and your father brought you there, the folks at the shops thought you were adorable. You loved running around in one of the parks and playing with the other children."

I blushed as I filled in on what my toddler self did and how everyone reacted around me.


Early the following day, all of us were up. Grandpa had given us a list of things to bring back home. I had a hunch that it was pastries since he often managed to get a few behind Grandma's back. Plus, whenever my grandparents visited Maryborough or any town, Grandpa loved checking out the local bakeries and restaurants.

At the start of the drive, Emma texted me, complaining that Rikki had left a couple of considerable messes in the house and that both girls and Elliot had the house to themselves. The only thing I could tell Emma was to try to tell Rikki how she felt calmly. Truthfully, I couldn't think of anything else.

"Who texted you, sweetheart?" Grandma turned to me from the passenger seat.

"Emma," I replied, "Her folks are outta town this weekend and Rikki's staying with her and Elliot."

"That sounds like fun."

"Well, you know they're opposite of each other in personalities."

After arriving in Maryborough, we ended up walking around town checking out some of the shops and the local cafe that was close to the hotel we stayed at. Plus, the three of us checked out the Mary Poppins Museum and walked around at one of the parks.

The weekend went by fast. I hadn't heard back from either one of the girls figuring they were letting me have my time with Grandma and Ebony. I checked my phone for any latest texts from them.

"Any updates from your mates, Zo?" Ebony wondered.

"Not much," I shrugged as I closed my phone, "Guess they figured they'd save the details for when I got back."

"Probably wanting you to enjoy the trip without any worries."

"Yeah. They're a bunch of great friends."


The day after getting back home, Rikki told me how Emma tried acting like a rebel and threw a huge house party and it resulted in Mrs. Gilbert's dolphin figurine breaking in half. Plus, the Gilbert couple got back just as the partygoers were leaving.

Knowing of my power to turn sand into glass, Emma brought over the broken figurine and a large handful of sand. I managed to use my power to melt the sand and carefully put together the glass figurine. After bringing it to the Gilbert house, Emma's parents were surprised to see the figurine repaired in excellent condition. I told them Grandma had a friend who was a glassmaker.

"Grounded for two weeks, that's harsh," Cleo commented to Emma after the four of us met up at the moon pool.

"Actually, I'm rapt," Emma smiled.


"Because in my parents' eyes, I'm a rebel. Isn't that great? And second, Zoey was able to fix the figurine and my mum is delighted."

I smiled and shook my head at Emma as Cleo and Rikki started laughing.

"What?" Emma asked us, "What's so funny?"

As the other girls continued laughing out loud, I still kept smiling at her.

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