76. Too Close for Comfort

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On meeting up with the girls at the moon pool, I could tell Bella had been extra happy since she and Will started seeing each other. 

"So, what's happening with Will?" Cleo asked Bella.

"Everything between us is perfect," Bella sighed happily.

"Oh, lucky you," Rikki grinned at her.

"Considering there's so much that we don't know about each other."

"It's more interesting that way."

"Yeah, I'm not sure that we have all that much in common. Is that a problem?"

"No, you don't have to think the same on everything."

"She's right, Bells. And second, it's best to take small steps in the relationship," I suggested. "It'll take time or even longer for you both to get to know each other well."

"Yeah," Bella nodded, agreeing with everything.


While at work, I was surprised to see Mr. Sertori arrive for a job interview. Cleo had told me it was part-time. It made me wonder if the fishing industry was slowing down due to the competing fishing game.

Later, I went by the pirate ship, a new attraction to the park. Like Cleo, I was surprised to see Mr. Sertori dressed in a pirate costume and character. I assumed he was trying to pull off a Pirates of the Caribbean vibe. Cleo approached Mr. Sertori, asking him to tone the pirate character to a moderate setting, not wanting the kids to get scared or get complaints from their parents. 

"I think he was trying to go for Captain Barbossa," I turned to Cleo as we left the ship. "Heck, even my grandpa can pull off a pirate act." Some years before, Grandpa had been a part of an entertainment act for parties and theme park attractions. His best act was a pirate.

"Maybe he can give him some suggestions," Cleo stated.

Later, I watched Cleo rehearse her performance with Ronnie. She had taught the dolphin a summersault, which I found awesome. Laurie was impressed with it. The audience would get a kick out of the show.

I helped Cleo hand out flyers advertising the dolphin show. It turned out the show was on at the same as the pirate show. Many people, especially the kids, were interested in seeing the pirate show rather than dolphins. It turned out Mr. Sertori became a huge hit as Captain Don, and people were flocking into the park just to see the show.

I followed Cleo onto the ship. She was about to approach Mr. Sertori when the latter not noticing her inadvertently pointed a fake sword at her causing Cleo to lose her balance and fall overboard. A little boy noticed her, informing everyone on board of a mermaid in the water. No one took him seriously thinking he had a wild imagination. While the boy turned the other way, I discreetly used my power and caused some seagrass to grow to hide Cleo from curious onlookers. Thankfully, the seagrass proved to be helpful in buying Cleo time to find a safe place to dry off.


The following day, I found Cleo at the moon pool. Rikki and Bella surfaced at the same time as me. 

"Hey, what's up?" Rikki asked Cleo who held an expression that told me she wasn't thrilled of the recent events.

"Mm, my dad," Cleo answered.

"How is the old pirate?"

"Snoring-- he's working two jobs."

"Ouch, that's a lot for someone like him," I remarked sympathizing with it all.

"If he's so tired, why doesn't he give it up?" Bella wondered.

"Because he likes it," Cleo replied.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"The pirate ship is right next door to the dolphin show. And I know it sounds really mean, but no one came to my dolphin show yesterday. I taught Ronnie all these new tricks. And he did them to an empty house, because everybody was watching Captain Don."

"Those tricks were awesome by the way," I nodded at Cleo assuring her that her show had my undivided attention.

"That kind of sounds like Will," Bella pointed out. "I tried to include him in my music. And suddenly, he's an expert."

"Ooh, do I detect the first fight coming on?" Rikki turned to her.

"No, it'll be fine."

"You'll both be fine."


At work, I was surprised to see Mr. Sertori in his pirate costume despite looking exhausted. Plus, there were a few more men in pirate garb rehearsing for the show. The next thing that surprised me was seeing Grandpa dressed up as a pirate greeting the attendees in character. I wondered where Grandma was and if she knew what he was up to.

That second, I was approached by Patrick, Sonny, and Margot. My assumption was that they were at the park just to see the pirate show. 

"Heard that Captain Don is a big hit that we had to come and see his show," Sonny grinned.

"Isn't that your gramps, Zo?" Margot wondered noticing Grandpa.

"Yep," I nodded. "Guess he found out about the show and decided to show some support."

"Hey, isn't Cleo supposed to put on her dolphin show?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if anyone's gonna show up for it since the pirate invasion is afoot."

I found out later on the park management wanted Cleo and Laurie to rethink the dolphin show, otherwise it would be cancelled. My guess was correct that no one was showing up for it. 


After learning that Cleo's show was cancelled, I got to the lagoon to try and give one of my best friends support as she rehearsed with Ronnie. Right after the dolphin performed a summersault, there was some applauding. I turned to see Mr. Sertori and my grandparents at the bleachers. While Cleo and her dad got to talking, I went over to Grandma and Grandpa.

"It's such a shame the dolphin show was cancelled," Grandma sighed.

"I know. Cleo worked hard with teaching Ronnie that triple summersault," I pointed out.

"They'll need a form of hook to draw in the crowd," Grandpa grinned showing his fake hook that went with his pirate costume.

I smiled at him.


Soon, I found out Mr. Sertori quit his position on noting that it nearly cost Cleo's job. When I went to see the dolphin show, Cleo was dressed up and twirled a fake sword and Ronnie jumped out of the water and performed his summersault. Collaborating the pirate theme and the dolphin show together was a brilliant idea!  

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