37. In Over Our Heads

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Rikki told me that she and her dad may end up potentially moving out into the rural area since Mr. Chadwick was struggling to keep up with payments on their place. Living in an urbanized area, especially the coastal places can be extremely expensive. It was hard for Dad to find a cheaper place to live when we moved to the Gold Coast and resorted to living with Grandma and Grandpa.

Rikki also added that Zane informed her of a Tibetan antique figurine that was lost in a storm along the coast some weeks ago and that there was a huge reward money for whoever found it. I had a hunch that Rikki was interested in finding the figurine. The money could be used to help her and Mr. Chadwick get by and pay off whatever debts they're dealing with. 

Rikki and I met with Zane at the cafe where he played pool.

"So tell us about this reward," Rikki told him.

"I thought you'd come around. Same with you, Zo-zo," Zane grinned at us.

I shook my head at that nickname he always called me as a joke. 

"The owners of the yacht are friends of my dad's," he continued, "They're offering $10,000 to anyone who can bring it back in one piece."

"And you think we can?" Rikki wondered.

"Do I think two mermaids can find something at the bottom of the ocean?"

Since the figurine sank to the bottom, Rikki and I, including the other girls are the only ones capable of swimming at massive fathoms that no human can get to without running out of oxygen, no matter if the diver is experienced.

Zane pulled out a coast map, showing us, "So the yacht went missing somewhere near Mako." He pointed at it. "If we search the area grid by grid, we're bound to find it."

"So what's really in it for you?" Rikki turned to him.

"The glory. I'm a hero, you know that."

"A true hero doesn't brag about his accomplishments, Zane," I crossed my arms in disapproval wanting Rikki to tell him the real reason for wanting the reward money, even though she was too proud to admit that she and her dad needed some financial help.

"Help me out and I'll split with the both of you, 50-50," Zane added not catching my statement.

"60-40," Rikki stated.

"Ok, 60-40."

"It's a huge area," I glanced at the map knowing the many times the other girls and I swam there.

"And there's another problem," Zane spoke, "They're announcing the reward this afternoon, so by tomorrow that whole area will be swarming with divers."

"So we've only got today," Rikki turned to him, "Can't be done."

"Not by two mermaids."

"They'll never go for it."

"Don't underestimate yourself. You can be very convincing."

Rikki glanced at the map and nodded.


On the way to the Gilbert house where Cleo and Emma were hanging out, Rikki had me promise to not mention the reward money to them. I promised but added that if she told the other girls of her financial situation, they'd agree to help us out anyway.

"It's a very rare, one-of-a-kind Tibetan statue," Rikki explained as Cleo and Emma examined the picture of the figurine. 

"It's beautiful," Emma commented.

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