45. The Gracie Code Part One

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Cleo, Rikki, and I surfaced in the moon pool to find Lewis present. It looked like he was researching something. I noticed a magnet hanging on the end of his fishing line.

"Lewis. What are you doing here?" Cleo asked.

"I had a sudden inspiration. It woke me up last night," he answered.

"I'm not even gonna ask," Rikki shook her head after noticing his fishing equipment set up.

"I have been studying the magnetic fields in here, but you are probably not interested."

"No, you're right. We're not."

"I am," Cleo spoke up.

"Now it's becoming intriguing to me," I nodded as I wondered about Lewis' research.

"Oh. OK, um," Lewis began, "This island has some pretty weird magnetic anomalies, and it's strongest right here in the moon pool. Take a look." He pulled out a compass and held it out to us and the arrow started spinning like crazy. "And the effects get even more powerful in relation to the moon, the tides, the alignment of the planets."

"The Convergence," I nodded once again getting my geek self on.

"Ooh," Rikki acted spooked out, but I could tell it was her being sarcastic.

"It could have enormous implications, Rikki and Zoey," Lewis added.

"Or it could be really boring. Well, Lewis, we'd love to stay, but it's really important to stay awake while in the water, so see ya." Rikki turned to Cleo and me, "Coming?"

"Yeah, I should probably go to," Cleo agreed.

"Me too," I jumped in.

"OK," Lewis nodded.

The girls and I submerged back underwater and left the moon pool and Lewis to his devices.


After getting back to the mainland, Patrick met up with us at the cafe. He had finished his shift and was free. The other girls have been getting used to him and could trust him to keep our secret.

"Don't look now," Rikki informed the rest of us as Lewis arrived, "Pretend we didn't notice him."

"That would be rude," Cleo corrected her and glanced over, "Lewis. Hey." She greeted him as he arrived at our table.

"Hey guys," he opened his laptop and as he sat down with us, "There is something in this."

"Great. I'll see you later," Rikki remarked sarcastically as she got up to leave not interested in what he had to explain.

"You're gonna wanna hear this."

"Pretty sure I won't."

"Pretty sure you will."

"Rikki," Cleo called out, "Hear him out."

"Please," I nodded.

Rikki sighed and returned to the table, "This better be good."

"Okay," Lewis began, "There is a connection, and I'm not the first person to look at planetary cycles on Mako. Fifty years ago, someone did the same kind of research as me."

"Okay. Mildly interesting," Rikki nodded.

"Our grandparents would have to have been around our age at the time," Patrick stated.

"According to this article," Lewis continued, "Someone by the name of Max Hamilton did work on planetary influence and tides in 1957. I'd love to get a copy of his work. I've searched the whole net, but it was just-- It was just never put online."

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