[7] therapeutic talks

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I stared at her in shock, trying to process what she just said. "Well... your the first to say that." I said after collecting my thoughts back together.

All she did was chuckle and yet my heart seemed to be having another one of those reactions. I put my hand near my heart trying to clasp it and calm it down.

"Jungwon! Are you okay? Do you have heartburn?" Y/N asked all at once. I blinked twice to see if I heard correctly, did she just ask if I had heartburn?

"Oh wait, can vampires even get heartburn?" She pondered.

"I'm not sure. From what I know we've never had it, but then again we're not exactly normal vampires." I smiled sadly.

I wanted to ask him what that meant but I didn't want to be nosy since he looked upset.
"It doesn't matter what you are." I gave him a reassuring smile and he seemed grateful for it.

"I'm quite hungry."

"Oh right! You haven't even ate, I'm so sorry!" Jungwon apologised and came back from the kitchen with food.

My eyes sparkled and we both sat down at the table while I ate.

"There's actually something else I need to tell you." Jungwon said.

I nodded my head telling him to carry on.

"So... the thing is wedon'tactuallyhavegirlfriends"

"I didn't quite understand that."

"We don't actually have girlfriends." Jungwon stated looking down.

I laughed uncontrollably and then stopped myself because jungwon was staring at me bewildered.

"I'm sure your wondering why I said that we have girlfriends." He carried on, "I was just confused, because my heart does this weird feeling when I'm around you and it all started when you smiled at me."

I stopped eating to make sure I had heard that right, "so it's not heartburn?" I tease him.

He pouts and looks away, "it doesn't seem like the same thing happens with you?" He asks, and to be honest he was right, I didn't get any heart fluttering or butterflies.

"Your right. But I've just met you, maybe if we spend more time together then I guess I'll get those feelings?"

His eyes slightly gleamed, "do you believe in soulmates y/n?"

"I... i don't think so... to be honest I don't think I'm really keen on love." I said as I remembered the past.

"Maybe I can change that." Jungwon said.


ahajajakskakkskwkwiwkwkkwkwkw. I think this is the shortest chapter I've ever written, sorry about that I was just too tired and really wanted to update ahajsj (ノ◇≦。)


🎫 imaginary enhypen ticket

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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