[28] too hot to handle

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I already knew. I already knew since that day what would happen if we take the antidote. I wanted to become human again but I also didn't want to, not anymore.

"y/n, I want to as you something." I said hesitantly not sure how to bring it up.

"okay go on." She said replied sitting up on the bed and smiling, and immediately I felt comfortable.

"you remember how I told you about the antidote?" I questioned as she nodded her head, "if I take it would you still be with me?"

"are you kidding! Of course I would!" she nudged me lightly.

"then...could you wait for me?" I asked avoiding eye contact.

"of course Jungwon." She smiled, "but why are you asking me this?"

I over thought it again and again and now I could finally tell her, "when I take the antidote, I'm going to forget everything about being a vampire and that includes"—

"me?" she cut in, already knowing. The tears that were just about forming in her eyes were quickly wiped away. "okay I'll wait for you, always." she replied and wrapped her arms around me but soon let go.

"oh, do you want to do it today since we couldn't the other day?" she asked but I wasn't sure what she was talking about. "You know... that thing."

I made a face of realisation, I think I knew what she was talking about, I was pretty sure. "are you sure?"

"why wouldn't I be, I asked you because you said didn't want to do it the other day." She explained.

"Oh. Feeling bold?" I smirked moving closer. "I didn't know you had this side to you."

Unexpectedly she scoffed, "what are you talking about. I'm asking if you want to bake cookies today."

"Oh." I replied in embarrassment and moved myself away to hide my cheeks that were bright pink.

"Your so silly." She ruffled my hair while also getting off the bed. "Let's go," and pulled me off too.

"wait." I don't know what happened to me but just as she opened the door I shut it again.

"is something wrong?" She asked standing in front of the door.

"yes." I gently pushed her closer to the door and crashed my lips onto hers and then pulled away. She looked at me stunned. "now I'm all good, let's go." I took her hand in mine and left the room.

We got out all the ingredients and began putting them in a bowl one by one, we soon had a cookie mix and then put into the oven.

"That wasn't that hard as I thought it would be." I said as we both cleaned up.

"That wasn't hard? You nearly put the whole amount of butter in it!" She yelled lightly.

"Oops." I chuckled, "let's do this more often." I said while drying my hands.

"Baking?" She questioned while peering inside the oven every second.

"No, this." I said pulling her away and engulfing her.

I need to update more 👹
p.s. my birthday is  coming eeekkk, hint : it's the same day as minji 🤭

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