[24] uncontrollable

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"Ah I'm so tired." I staggered after waving goodbye to them. Jungwon followed after me. I opened to front door and we both headed inside.

"I don't have any clothes for you though." I remembered as I took of my shoes and walked upstairs, "you took the other clothes home right?" I started looking through my closet to see if I had any more oversized clothes.

"I do have clothes." Jungwon said appearing behind me with a hoodie and tracksuit in his hand, "I brought some just in case I stay again." He smiled setting the clothes down and began taking his suit off.

"WAIT!" I shrieked embarrassingly and turned around, "let me leave and you can change." I walked quickly and carefully without turning around with my clothes in my hand and headed to the bathroom.

After changing and leaving the bathroom I found Jungwon sitting on my bed. "you look so cute." I mumbled thinking he didn't hear me.

"what did you say?" He asked looking at me, he stood up and walked towards me running a hand through his hair before he put his hood back up.

I was too flustered and blurted out anything, "I said you look like a boot." I quickly put a hand to my mouth in embarrassment.

He looked at me and blinked a couple of times before giving out a light chuckle, "I know you think I'm cute." He tried winking but failed and I couldn't help stifling a laugh.

"It's not funny." He looked at me offended.

"It is a little."

"Whatever. Aren't you going to eat?" He asked holding my arm and taking me downstairs. "You barely have anything in the fridge." He said shaking his head and looking at me.

"oh yeah I forgot to to go grocery shopping." I smiled sheepishly, "but I do have cereal." I said opening one of the cupboards at the top.

I was about to reach for it when I felt Jungwon shuffle behind me, his hand reached up and he brought the cereal down.

He leaned his hands on the counter while still standing behind me and whispered softly , "your cute when your blushing."

A - yeong
Blood. I needed blood. Her blood. I couldn't control it anymore and followed their car back to their homes. Thanks to my vampire abilities it wasn't that hard.

It would have been better if Jungwon hadn't stayed with her tonight, but it's fine because I had another plan. I watched them two from the outside, standing in the kitchen trying to cook up a meal.

They were so touchy and lovey with each other. I saw the way Jungwon looked at her, his soft gaze always lingering on her. He should be looking at me like that. Not her.

I shook my head not wanting to get distracted by them, I just needed to get y/n alone so I could get her blood. To do that I need to make sure Jungwon isn't next to her.

I knocked on their door once and quickly hid before they could see me, Jungwon opened the door and mumbled a "who's there?" He looked around before shrugging. I quickly ran to make it look like something was there, Jungwon looked around again and properly stepped outside.

He looked around the trees and the bushes and i used this chance to get inside the house. As soon as I had entered the scent of blood grew increasingly stronger.

I just needed one bite.

A/N: a-yeong's crazy.
🥛drink some milk.

neighbours | Yang JungwonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz