[15] yangcore

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I blinked a couple of times before opening my eyes, a pair of arms were around my waist. I looked up slightly and forgot Jungwon was next to me.

Without thinking I pushed him off the bed. "Ouch." I heard a small groan and Jungwon stood up rubbing his head.

"Why'd you push me off the bed?" He questioned, now rubbing his eyes.

"Why we're you hugging me in my sleep?" We we're both completely awake now, his soft brown hair was slightly disheveled yet he still looked good.

He smirked before replying, "you asked me to." He shrugged and ran his hand through his hair before walking to the bathroom.

I blinked,double taking to make sure I had heard that correctly.

I asked him to hug me? No I didn't, I'm pretty sure I would remember if I did...argh stop thinking about it. He can read your thoughts remember.

Groaning in annoyance I covered myself under the blanket, at the same time the bathroom door unlocked indicating Jungwon had come out.

"Have you gone back to sleep?" I heard him ask as he moved around the room. "Do you have a spare towel?"

I lifted the blanket off from my face and pointed towards the drawer, "top shelf." I was close to falling asleep again when I looked at the time, 8:45am. "I should open it today." I mumbled to myself while getting out of bed.

Jungwon, who was drying his hair with the towel came beside me, "open what?" He questioned eagerly.

"My café." I replied unconsciously gazing at the damp strands of hair slightly covering his eye brows, his mouth erupted into an excited grin.

"You have a café? Since when, and why have you never shown it to me." He pouted, crossing his arms as the towel rested on his nape.

"My adoptive parents left it to me before they passed, it was the whole reason why I moved here, and I didn't have time to reopen it while sorting out the house."

"I can't believe you have a whole café, can I come with you? Please?" He asked eagerly elongating the 'e'. I chuckled lightly and nodded my head before heading to the bathroom.

▂▂▂▂▂▂ at the café ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

"Your café decor basically describes my name." Jungwon proudly said after setting a box down.

"It does?" I asked questioningly, looking around the interior that had a couple of plants dotted around.

"Yeah, my name means garden and all these plants around your café remind me of it." He smiled proudly, " now you can be reminded of me all the time."

I chuckled while shaking my head, " I guess I'll have to change the decor now." I teased him amusingly to which he glared at me with a pout.

"Have you forgotten I'm a vampire?" He walked towards me with a boyish grin on his face and lowered his head matching it to my height. His eyes gazed into mine for a few seconds and it was almost as if I could see stars.

"Is that suppose to scare me?" I questioned back crossing my arms, "you have to try something better."

He smiled as his eyes looked down towards my lips, "then what about this?" He leaned in closer, our lips centimetres apart.

"What is going on here?"


aaah guys back w a long awaited chapter :<
alsoooo happy new year!!!!! ⌒゚(❀>◞౪◟<)゚⌒
any new year resolutions?
🍿popcorn for you cuties <3

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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