Chapter 35

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Alexander Romano

Glancing at the picture placed on the right side of my desk, I picked the frame up and brought it closer. It was a family picture that we took on our sisters' fifth birthday, the last time that we smiled so brightly before everything came to an end. 

Looking at the look of adoration dad held in his eyes as he looked at both his daughters, the joy he must have felt when they were first born. He was probably cursing at us from above in all sorts of language he knew. We had promised him that we would always love and protect our younger sisters no matter what. 

But we had failed him the moment he passed away. If only we had looked into the matter at that point of time, our relationship with Avy would not have ended up like this, right? If only we had trusted her more and listened to her side of story before coming to a conclusion. There were so many 'if only', but none of them could help us to turn back the time and change the things that we had done wrong. 

However, this time, we would not make the same mistake again. 

At first, we had scheduled to fly to England together with Uncle Ezra's family as they wanted to see Avy as well. We then had to cancel the trip as we realised that the annual Mafia Ball was coming up in a few days time. The ball was never good news. It was just the annual gathering for families to target on a prey to take down, in order for theirs to rise to the top. 

Being at the top of the underworld definitely comes with a shit load of enemies who will be coming after my head. But that was not the case. In the underworld, even your family will be targeted. They don't give a shit whether they are innocent. As long as it will bring down the head of the organisation, they will kill whoever they deem to be important to them and bring them down. 

Ever since our younger sisters were born, threats were being sent to our house almost everyday. It became a daily occurrence to receive at least ten threats saying that they will kill them unless our father steps down as the Don of the mafia. Thankfully, dad was not affected by the threats and strengthened our security prevent any of them from breaking into our house. Despite all those efforts, little did we know that the very person who broke up our family was none other that the woman whom we used to call our mum. 

It then occurred to me that Roman Parker would also be at the Mafia Ball, but the chance of Avy being there was uncertain. Nevertheless, our family had to attend the event and decided to visit England once we get back from the ball.

Reine Parker

Taking a bite of my toast, my jaw dropped when I heard Roman's words. Swallowing the piece of toast with a sip of water, I cleared my throat and asked,"Repeat again?"

He set his cup of coffee down on the table and replied,"I said, you should come with me for the Mafia Ball." I blinked my eyes hard at him before I let out an unladylike snort. 

"No, why would I go there? It's not like I know anything that's going on." I shook at my head at the idea of attending the dreadful event. It was even more impossible as I thought about the fact that I had to attend it in a dress or worse, a gown. A definite big no.

He sighed loudly,"I wouldn't want you to be there either if I could, especially when those dickheads will definitely be there." He scowled at the thought of it. Roman had always referred to my ex-brothers as dickheads, which I think it was a pretty good nickname for them so no protest from me. 

He then continued,"But the issue here is that words have got out that you are living with me and they might try to harm you if I don't introduce you to those fuckers. You know how crazy a mafia can be." I pondered through his words. I could understand where Roman was heading at, he was just trying to protect me. Given his reputation, no one would dare to touch his territory as they all know what undesirable ending they would face when they cross him. 

Placing down the piece of toast which I've been chewing, I exhaled deeply,"Fine, I will go with you. But I will only be there for an hour, no more than that." His downcast look was gone in an instant as he broke out in a wide smile and exclaimed,"Fuck yes, I will go order the most beautiful piece of dress for you to wreck a havoc at the ball." 

I snatched his phone away as he tried to dial on it. Narrowing my eyes at him, I chided,"Tsk, we are meant to keep a low profile there, not to stir shit up. Moreover, I just want it to end so that I can come back for a peaceful night. So don't you dare get me some expensive fancy ass dress that I will only be wearing for an hour. You know how much I dislike them." 

He reached out for his phone and flashed a toothy grin at me,"Got it, just trust me with your fashion for that day. I promise I won't do anything extra." He held up three fingers in the air and announced. The most I could do was to stare at him, rendered speechless at his words. I can only prepare myself for the worst now. 

Finishing up the meal, I then headed to my room and continued with my research for the studies. It was a great time for me to study further and prepare myself for the upcoming internship. It may be tough, but it was all worth it at the end of the day. 

-5 days later-

I did not know that five days could pass by so fast in the blink of an eye and it was the day of the ball which I've been dreading so much. 

Stupid Damian had to wake me up by whispering loudly in my ear that it was the ball night and I immediately bolted upright on the bed. Pre-ball trauma, I guess that will be a new medical term. 

Roman got someone to deliver a big box of things in the early morning and when I opened it up, I almost cursed out loud. He had ordered a fucking gown for me. Honestly? Wearing a piece of dress was already an uphill task for me and he actually got the guts to get a gown? I sincerely wonder what he was thinking. 

But once again, it was Roman himself. So I cannot expect anything normal from him, not when I told myself to be prepared for something shocking. 

What was even crazier was that Roman had sent makeup artists up to my room since 5pm, getting me ready for the ball when it was at 8pm. The number of times that I had rolled my eyes in the shower was countless, as I thought about the insane number of makeup bags that were placed in my room. Were they planning to kill me with makeup? I hope not. 

By the time they were done dolling me, it was already 7pm. I could see why Roman got them here at 5pm. Makeup really takes a long time. Even longer than the time that I spent studying for one whole chapter which consists of 400 pages worth of information. 

I was surprised at myself when I looked into the mirror. I never considered myself as beautiful or whatsoever, but I really had to say that I did look pretty decent after that long makeover session. The black gown was flowing freely around, while the gold accent was decorated by hanging around my waist. I paired them with the earrings that Roman gave me during my 21st birthday, and it matched the overalls perfectly. 

I sighed softly, knowing that it was time to face the wrecking moment as I opened the door and stepped out. 

I would have prayed for nothing to happen if I could. But every time I prayed for that, something would happen. Might as well follow what fate has laid out ahead. 

updated! another of my longest ever chapter

was stuck on this chapter since afternoon as I had ran out of ideas of what to write (thankfully I got some ideas right after I had dinner LMFAO, was probably hungry and had no energy to think HWNJNSIWOJS)

Happy reading! -6/10/2022

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