Chapter 63

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Alexander Romano

After Reine set off for the meet up, we were all ready gathered at the living room, monitoring her whereabouts every second. Upon seeing that she was about 10 minutes away from the place, we got off the seats and split ourselves into two different cars. 

"Shit." A soft curse came over from Reine's side as all of us in the car simultaneously turned towards the monitor on Lucas' hands. Had she faced some difficulties? Was she all right? I don't think I have ever been this nervous in my whole life even when I did my first killing. 

We all relaxed a bit when we saw the tracker continue moving. She was now heading into the building. Looking at the road ahead, there had to be another 45 minutes drive. 

"My, my, my. Look who's here."

The voice caught all of us off guard. 

"Search her if she has any tracker on her." 

Her words made all of us froze. What if they found it on Reine? I struggled to swallow the huge and dry lump in my throat, waiting with a bated breath, another voice sounded, "We found a gun in her clothes."

"You can return any sort of weapons to her, just make sure that there are no trackers found on her."

All of us in the car visibly heaved out a small sigh of relief. But, why? If she had mentioned over the phone that she was going to kill Reine, why would she allow her to be in possession of a damn gun? 

"Since we are all here now, why don't let's start with some refreshing course?" 

What the fuck does she mean by that?

Followed by that, a clear sound of gunshot was heard over the transmitter and our car came to a sharp stop followed by the car which was right behind us. 

After a short while, a small but strong taps were heard. It was a sign that Mason told her to do to indicate that she was safe. To tap three times if she was safe.

"Sure, I don't mind because I have something to refresh yours too." 

Upon hearing Reine's voice, Enzo restarted the engine and drove off again. But this time his hands were tightly gripping on the wheel, with his jaw clenching harder than I had ever seen. 

Reine Parker

Caroline Monet was clearly confused upon hearing my words. Great.

Seeing that the bleeding had stopped, I removed my hand from the wound as I pulled out a thumbdrive from the pockets of my jacket and showed it. 

"Didn't you mention before that my father was the one who killed yours, and that's why you killed him? This thing here will prove that all these while you've been manipulated by the Brazilians, thinking that your enemy was a Romano." I spat out, as her eyes shone in anger. 

"Bullshit! The Brazilians were the one who helped me to seek revenge on the man who ruined my life, not the other way round. You're fucking lying." She seethed out, while I merely tossed the drive over to her.

"You don't have to believe my words, but watch it for yourself and decide whether or not have you been used." She then barked for her men to get here with a computer, for which they swiftly arrived with one. I see, she has hired some efficient lackeys.

"No, no, no...... It's not like that! That's not what I was told!" She screamed, as she slammed the laptop onto the ground, with its cover detached from the keyboard. 

"I see that the Brazilians must have shown you their own edited footage from that night? Of course they would have done that, it's easy for them to make use of a vengeful person and eliminate their enemy which they couldn't for decades." I took the opportunity to take a few steps closer to where Ari was, and she shook her head at me. 

"You're lying! There's no way that they killed him!" Her eyes became blood shot, as she continued yelling. I cringed slightly at her voice, my ear drums were definitely not prepared for this. 

"On what basis do you have to believe that? The Brazilians were never friendly with the French, so what made you trust their words so much? You are truly pitiful, as much as I wouldn't want to even pity someone like you." I calmly stated.

"Shut up! You don't know how it felt like to have your only family harshly taken away from you, and not being able to be with the one you love. You don't know any of that, so don't you dare make any comments!" She pointed her finger at me. 

The blood in me boiled when she said that. 

"I don't think that you have the right to play victim here. You were blinded by your so-called revenge and failed to see the love that dad has for you. Even till the last moment, you trampled on his love for you and killed him cold heartedly. That night, he knew you were going to kill him no matter what he said. He had the chance to shoot you but he didn't, he could have ended you but he didn't. What else more did he have to do to prove that he was truly nice to you?" I lost control of my emotions as tears shot out of my eyes. 

"And after killing him was not enough, you went on killing all your children emotionally. Did it feel great for you? You said I couldn't understand your pain of losing your family, I call that fucking bullshit. I know it, probably even better than you do. I know it so much that I almost thought it wasn't real." I continued. 

"If only you had bothered to see through their lies and get to the bottom of the case, things wouldn't have ended up this way now. We wouldn't have ended up like that." I breathed out, defeatedly. 

For a split second, she looked as though she felt remorseful about the situation, but I guessed I was wrong. At the end of the day, I thought I had given up all hopes for her to actually feel regretful for all the pain she had caused us. Little did I realise that I was still foolishly clinging onto some form of hope, hoping that there would be some consciousness left in her. 

I was the one who was still unable to let go of the past. It was me.

updated! delayed for a few days as there were some family matters to settle and still in the midst of settling them though I foresee a very long procedure.... 

story is indeed coming to an end and hopefully I would have the time to come back and edit some of the parts soon 

Happy reading! -29/12/22

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