Chapter 55

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Reine Parker

Sprinting towards the emergency department, I hurriedly stopped myself right before the entrance. The amount of patients pouring in was horrifying, especially given that it was a Friday night. Adjusting the stethoscope around my neck and my shoe laces, I threw myself into the tight crowd, ready to pull an all nighter.

Although it was a fact that I was only interning at the hospital, right now all of us are of equal status because we were short handed. None of the nurses seemed to care about the fact of how an intern was giving orders to them despite not being one of the doctors here. Blood was found on the ground as a family of four had just gotten into a car accident around some mountainous areas and were brought here in critical injuries. 

Screaming and yelling from both patients and doctors could be heard in the whole area as the whole place was now thrown into a fit of chaos. We might not even be able to distinguish who are the medical workers and who are the patients if without the coats and uniform.

I was treating a young girl who had scrapped her knees after falling off from a flight of stairs when the sound of gunshots stilled the screams in the air. The whole place went silent for three seconds before crying and yelling begun again and people can be seen running for their lives. 

I stood still in my spot as I tried to comprehend what in the world was going on until the a few other gunshots were heard again. Doctors and nurses were busy trying to get their patients to safety while the patients and family members who were at the waiting area went running hysterically. This was a bigger chaos than before. 

Finally getting myself back into action, I comforted the young girl and carried her to safety before heading back to help more of the patients. 

Roman Parker

"What the fuck do you mean?" I yelled, feeling the surge of anger rising once again. The Romano had just received another threat, which showed a clip of Ray in the hospital, tending to her patients. Below the clip was a sentence which wrote, 'Hope you like my gift.'

This was sent to Alexander just a little while ago, and we were all trying to get in contact with Ray, which all of our calls went unanswered. Fear and worried gripped onto me as I tried to keep my thoughts on the positive side. 

Not able to wait any longer, I stood up angrily as I announced, "I'm going to the hospital." Alexander stood up after me, as he appointed some of his brother and cousins to stay put in the house to keep Ariana safe while the rest would head to the hospital with him. 

We finally set off towards the hospital and the only thing that I can hope for was for Ray to be safe.

Alexander Romano

We were running against time, as I had just received the video just a few moments ago. Enzo wanted to join us at the hospital so I decided to replace him with Axel for the trip. We needed some of them to stay back and safe guard Ari so that the enemy wouldn't find a loophole to attack. 

We set off in a single car with Enzo driving, while Theo, Gabriel, Mason, Vincenzo, Uncle Ezra and I were at the back. Vincenzo happened to be over at our house together with his father, and he requested to join us upon hearing the threat. 

As the hospital came into sight, many people were busy running out of the place, looking all distraught while doctors and nurses ran out as well. We immediately jumped off the car and Roman was already grabbing his guns and ready to dash into the place. 

Gunshots could be heard from the outside as we simultaneously ran into the place. Chaos engulfed the hospital as we split up in search for Reine. Another gunshot was heard as I headed towards the emergency department. Several gun men were spotted in sight as I took cover and tried to spot Reine. 

I was slightly relieved when I spotted her taking cover with a patient beside a bed, completely unhurt. She signalled to one of the nurse as she instructed the patient to slowly crawl towards the safe spot. Seeing that the gun men were not looking towards here, I inched myself closer towards Reine. 

Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed me as I placed a finger on my lips, trying to think of a way to get her out of here as fast as possible. Luck was not on our side as we saw more of the gun men entered the area. Fucking bitch.

It was then when suddenly they spotted someone and started firing continuously. Enzo and Roman burst into the scene as they fired back, killing all those in sight with a bullet in between their eyes. 

The rest of them had probably heard the commotion as they appeared from various parts of the corners, taking cover from the flying bullets. As Roman fired consecutive shots at the men, he moved towards where Reine was, trying to get her to safety.

At the peripheral of my eyes, I noticed a gun man was taking aim at Reine, who was seen to be out of her hiding spot. Men were still firing shots at me while I tried to fend myself from them, but Reine was the top priority here. 

"Watch out!" a voice yelled through the air.

Reine Parker

Before I could even react, a body pounced towards me as I was knocked down on the cold hard ground. I winced in pain as the sharp shards of broken glasses pierced through my back and arms, as I tried to get the person off me. It was Lorenzo, laying on top of me. 

Pulling myself up from the ground, I widened my eyes in shock as I saw the red patch forming on his back. He took a bullet for me. 

He was panting heavily as blood continued flowing out of the wound as I applied pressure to it. Placing his head on my shoulder, I used both hands in order to stop the bleeding. 

"Are...y-you okay?" He softly whispered, and I could hear the pain laced in it. 

"I'm okay, stop talking and save your energy." I muttered, as I grabbed the cotton pads that were laying around, in an attempt to stop his bleeding. 

His hand suddenly drooped by my side, as he fell unconscious shortly after. Tapping him lightly, I called out, "Lorenzo, wake up! Lorenzo!" There was no response besides the gunshots that rung through the air.

I have to save him.


Happy reading! -8/11/2022

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