Chapter 44

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Alexander Romano

I still cannot believe my ears as I placed the phone down on the desk. Roman Parker had agreed to move in with us together with Avy. Although I'm sure that he had asked Avy before making this decision, but either ways, she was coming back again. 

Heading to downstairs, everyone was present in the living room, including our relatives as we had just returned from England just a few hours ago. 

"Go get the rest down here immediately, I have important news to announce." I instructed Lucas, who stood up from the couch unwillingly and headed upstairs. After a short while, everyone was gathered around the couch area as I begun talking, "Previously Uncle Ezra and I had proposed an offer to Roman Parker about having them moving over to our side so that we could figure out the mastermind better and also to better protect Avy. He had just called over and took up our offer, meaning that Avy will be moving back here again." 

The living room was in complete silent until Aunt Giana exclaimed, "Wait, really? Avery's coming back to live with us?" I nodded at her question, before the rest of them snapped back to reality. Ari grinned widely at the news, while Mason looked excited at the announcement too. 

We promised to be better brothers for her this time.

Vincenzo Ricasso

"I see, that's definitely a piece of great news. Yes, I understand. See you then." My father hung up on the call and mum asked in curiosity, "What's the great news you have there?" Dad broke out into a smile, which was rather rare to see at times. 

"Alex had just called to announce that Avery and Roman Parker will be moving to Italy in order to make the alliance work." My ears snapped up immediately at the mention of Avery. Or rather Reine. 

Mum had her attention of me when she noticed the change in my behaviour, the smile on her face was so wide that I was starting to worry that she might get a facial cramp from that. 

"Heard that, son?" She winked at me and I showed no reaction to her wink but my heart was the most honest one here. 

Ariana Romano

Running towards the kitchen, I looked around frantically for Missus Dai to break the piece of good news to her. She would definitely be so ecstatic to hear that El-Reine, I have to get use to calling her by her new name, that she's going to come back again. 

Seeing that Missus Dai had just walked out of the ingredients store room, I immediately ran up to her and exclaimed, "Missus Dai! They said that Reine is coming back here again! She will be living with us again!" The look of exhaustion on her face was now replaced by the look of overjoy, as her eyes shrunk into a curve when the bright smile appeared. I had been updating her with news of Reine ever since she was found to be alive. She was so happy to hear that she was alive that she cried in happiness for three days straight. 

"Really?! Then I should clean her room once again, shouldn't I? And I need to shop for groceries to cook her favourite dishes by the time she gets here." Missus Dai could barely contain her excitement, as I chuckled at her excitement. 

Heading back to my room, the past few weeks felt like a dream, starting from when we first got involved in a shootout and El- Reine came to my rescue, until earlier just now that she was going to move in with us. It felt like a rough rollercoaster ride, just that we could never see the end of the ride yet. 

I know that the road ahead to Reine being able to forgive the rest of them will be a tough one, and the fact that they have to work hard in order to earn their forgiveness was definitely no doubt. In many occasions I tried to put myself in her situation to imagine the amount of pain she was feeling, but I realised that it could never be compared to the ones that she was feeling throughout all these years. 

To be blamed by the people whom you loved so much, to see the look of hatred and disgust displayed in their eyes, to feel the guilt by thinking that you've killed your own father, to realise that you had been abandoned by the ones whom you loved dearly. It was an immensely wrecking feeling. 

Though I hated, no I still hate myself for not revealing the truth to them earlier. Probably I was scared to face the results. Will they not believe me like how they don't trust her? Will they hate me as well by thinking that I was an accomplice to dad's death? Will they trust my words? These were the coward thoughts which stopped me from revealing the truth. And in return, I had caused my twin to suffer in pain for years, while I was living my own life. 

In a way, I was worse than our brothers who had blamed her for dad's death. I knew the truth but yet I chose to keep quiet because I did not want to be treated in the same way as how she was being treated. It scared me to see how she was being abandoned and hated by them for fear that the same thing would end up to me. I was selfish and incorrigible. 

Reine had done nothing to but to protect me again and again, only to be faced with hatred and accusations from others. Yet all I did was to keep my mouth shut and chose to hide the truth. I don't...deserve her love. It's ironic to see how we were twins but yet we were so different at the same time. 

She was kind and selfless, placing others before her own happiness. While I could only think of myself but not the suffering of others. 

It was not only that my brothers had to earn her forgiveness, but me as well. To let her know how regretful I was for not speaking up for her, and to protect this time. 

I'm not going to be a coward this time.

double updates! through this chapter, i wanted to show you guys from the pov of Ariana. It might be true that some of you dislike her of how she was being selfish and all that, but it was not my intention to make you all feel that way about her. 

as any other normal human being, she was scared. Especially after seeing her brothers' reactions towards Avery. Not when she realised that her father was gone, her mother was an evil person, so meaning that the only ones who would love her would be her brothers. 

it's easy for any of us say that it's okay to speak up for her twin, but what she was afraid of was the reaction. It can be really scary for young children to be not trusted for their words and after seeing the same thing with Avery had just traumatised her. 

so i hope that through this chapter, you guys would try to understand her more, and listen to her. 

Happy reading! -16/10/2022

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