Chapter 53

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Reine Parker

"But even if she's out for revenge, Uncle Ethan had already died because of her. What else does she want by coming back again?" Lucas asked, feeling completely bamboozled by the situation. 

I exhaled softly before replying, "That's what we have to find out. And also why she's coming after us." They nodded in agreement, before finally catching my words as Ezra widened his eyes and asked, "Do you happen to mean...that she's really alive?"

Alexander stood up, and confirmed their suspicions, explaining to them from the start all the way till the part where I had confirmed her handwriting. 

"This is fucking unbelievable." Gabriel breathed out, as though he had just heard a ghost story. 

"Reine, you need to take your hands off from this matter. It's too dangerous to get involved in this-" Ezra warned, not before I shot a death glare towards him and cut him off, "You don't get to tell me what to do, I can perfectly decide for myself whether it's dangerous or not." 


"End of discussion. I won't be backing off from this so I suggest you to save your energy and instead, focus on how we can get her out and end this whole misery once and for all." I gripped tightly onto the blanket, trying to control the anger within me. 

"What about Ari? Do we tell her about it?" Mason asked, as I looked over at him. 

"I will inform her, but we will keep our plans to ourselves. We will have to start tracking her down before whatever actions she's going to take." I said, feeling the return of a headache. 

"We will find a time to discuss again, but for now, you should take a rest." Ezra said, with worry in his eyes as he looked towards my direction. 

They promptly left the room, except Ezra who left behind. He stood near my bed awkwardly, not knowing whether to move forward or backward, or to just stay in his spot. I finally lifted my eyes and looked at him for the first time. 

"I'm sorry, for making decisions for you." He apologised, which was greatly to my surprise because he was never a man who would bow down his head and admit to his mistakes. It probably runs in the genes, given how all the men in the house rarely apologise and admit to their mistakes. Men and their ridiculous ego. 

"There's a lot of other things that I have to apologise for, but they are all useless now, aren't they? The most important apology that I've got to do is to apologise for being a lousy uncle to you. I claimed to love both my nieces, but yet I couldn't my trust in you back then. I was a pathetic excuse of an uncle." I pushed the chair towards him, signalling for him to take a seat. 

He gave a small smile, to which I did not return because I did not feel the need to do so. 

"I've failed both you and your father. I failed to trust you when I should have, and failed to protect you from everything. If only I had, things wouldn't have ended up like this today." He added. 

"I've never hated you. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to put behind the past now, I just can't do it." I shifted my eyes down, not wanting to let him see the tears that were forming in my eyes. 

"I know, I'm not apologising in hopes of getting you to forgive us, and neither am I apologising just to make myself less guilty. I just feel that it's a necessary one." He nodded lightly in agreement. 

"Take a good rest, you need it. I will leave now." He stood up from the chair, and slowly pushed the chair towards the bed. I remained silent until he left the room, as I let out a long breath. I really need to take a nap and get rid of the headache. 

It was finally the long awaited weekend after the long and busy weekdays in the hospital. I had told Ari about the fact that that woman was still alive, and surprisingly she took the news well. I told her to learn some self-defence moves from her family, so that she could at least protect herself when she gets into dangerous situations. Better to be safe than sorry. 

I was now standing in front of the opened wardrobe, deciding what to wear for the date. Hearing a soft knock on the door, Ari walked into my room as she quirked up one side of her eyebrow and asked, "Choosing an outfit? For what occasion?" She then plopped herself down on the edge of my bed. 

"An outing with Vince." I replied, as she wowed lowly and sent a small smirk to my way. 

"It's a date, I see. Come on, then I know how to dress you up." She dragged me away from the wardrobe and headed for her room. 

She opened her wardrobe as clothes of various colours entered my view, unlike mine, she had different colour variations besides white and black. She then pulled out a few of them as she placed it in front of my body and scrutinised the appearance of it. 

Placing a dress in front of me, I scrunched up my nose and shook my head at the sight of it. I was never a dress kind of person. The most I can wear would be a skirt, definitely no dresses if possible. She pouted a little, as she put it away. 

She then got out a pale blue cami dress, together with a white blouse as she beamed me, "This will be perfect on you!" Guess I will wear it, since it was not too extravagant like other dresses she showed me. 

I took the outfit from her hands as I headed for the bathroom and got changed in it. As I walked out, Ari stood up from the bed and clasped her hands together in glee, "Now you look all ready to go for the date! Just a little touch up on your face and will be perfect, just give me a minute."

She got me seated in front of her vanity, as she worked her brushes on my face. After a few minutes, I was told to open my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. The make up was not too heavy, just the right amount. 

The last step she did was to remove the hair clip from my hair, carefully brushing the knots in between my hair, as she used a hair curler and made small curls for the end of my hair. 

"All done! Now, go enjoy your date." She pushed me lightly towards the door, and guided me downstairs. I chuckled at her actions, "Thank you for the makeover, Ms designer." With that, we heard a honk from the outside of the house, probably Vince had reached. 

I took out a pair of heels that was about 2 inches tall and matched it with the outfit. As I stepped out of the house, Vince was already standing by his car, dressed in a casual t shirt with a black denim jacket paired with black denim jeans. 

We smiled the moment we saw each other, while he moved towards me and greeted, "You look more beautiful than usual." He scratched the back of his neck at his own words. I laughed at his actions and replied, "Well, you still look the same as usual." Tilting our heads to one side at the same time, we burst into laughter. 

Opening the passenger door, he gestured, "Come on, we need to start the date soon." I nodded at his words and climbed into the seat, not before buckling myself up. 

I can foresee that it's going to be a wonderful date.

updated! finally the end of the week again! super happy whenever Fridays arrive because it means that I can have my little breaks XD

brb praying that the weekends would not pass by so quickly NWSJNSWNSJNW

Happy reading! -4/11/2022

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