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A/N: kind of spoiler from the manga


"Huh…? Where am I?" Someone asked.

Void. White void was only seen. The person had raven hair. He looked around trying to figure out what place he is now. Suddenly he looked at his body. He gasped. A hole. Big hole in his chest. He touched it, his hand could go through him, it was real. He couldn't make any noise, he only stared at his body in disbelief. He remembered. What caused him to have such a scar. He clenched his teeth and looked angrily at the void.
"Akainu…" he said. It sounded like he was cursing the existence of that name. He hated it. He stood up and looked around again. Something suddenly happened. He fell on his knees and put a hand on his face, he was breathing too quickly. He felt something on his arm and looked at it. It had some kind of swirls in the colour of white. He sweatdropped at the sight of it and touched his arm lightly.
"What is this thing?" He asked while caresing his arm. He felt like he knew everything but at the same time he knew nothing. It was weird. He felt weird. His whole body was covered in those weird swirls and they started glowing which caused him to flinch. And suddenly he found himself in another place. Grassy like place, he looked around but something caught him off guard. He saw the reflection of him in the glass. His hair was white and was flouting, his eyes were gold. His clothes were changed too, around his shoulders he had something like clouds.
"What the hell!?" He exclaimed. He was examining his whole face and body, he looked nothing similar to before. But the hole was still visible also it was like being patched by the clouds. He didn't know what was happening. Suddenly he felt a presence of something or rather someone.

"Who are you?!" He shouted in its direction. It was a dark coated person. It looked at him and said something unexpected.

"Monkey D. Luffy" Luffy's eyes widened.
"How…do you know me, and what is happening, I should have died, why am I here?" Luffy asked with curiosity.
"You are now in a place I am a king of." It started. "You died, but…" it took off its hood and it showed a girl? Luffy was still guarded but he loosened a bit. "I guess you have many questions. I will try to answer them, but first." She snapped her fingers and they were now somewhere else. On a cliff. "Here we can talk." She said. Luffy was now in his normal clothes and his hair was back to normal too. He understood that he shouldn't fight this person, he wanted to know what was happening. They sat in front of each other. The girl started.
"You are now in what I like to call 'peace place', it is a place where I have full control on what is going to happen, but I can only control surroundings, not people or any living things." She explained. Luffy was shocked, but he still looked at her and listened.

"Peace place…" he whispered.

"You…died, but your will didn't, did you know that your devil fruit wasn't exactly the gomu-gomu no mi?" She asked. Luffy looked at her confused.

"What do you mean? Then what is it?" He asked.

"Your fruit is the Mythical Zoan: hito-hito no mi:model sun god Nika." She said. Luffy didn't know what to say, he was shocked to the core.

"Did you know that Mythical Zoans had free will?" Luffy shook his head. "That means that it can choose who will eat them. It chose you, Luffy." She looked down. Luffy is still in shock. "You could probably think that after a user's death they go for another right? But in your case it's different…" 

"Why?" He asked.

"I guess that the Sea likes you," she smiled at him. His eyes widened even more. "Luffy…it is true that you died, but your fruit gave you the power to live once more, you have that hole remember?" She pointed at Luffy's chest. He looked at it and then back at her.

"You saw it. You have white hair and different everything, and your hole is patched then." She explained, but the further she went the more Luffy didn't understand. He just couldn't understand! He felt sad, he remembered what his death caused the others. He saw tears in his brother's eyes before he died.

"Does that mean I can live once more?" He asked.

"I would say yes…but no at the same time." She frowned which caused Luffy to flinch. What does she mean? Can he live or not? He wants to meet Ace and others and tell them he is alive. "You live, but you shouldn't. It causes nature to be furious. But I guess you go beyond nature" she smirked. "I can tell you what to do, but those actions will have consequences. It's your choice." She stated. He glanced at her again and thinked. He looked at his hands and started.

"I…want to meet them…I want to see them, '' he trembled.
"Even If?" She muttered.

"Even If it will cause consequences!" He said firmly.
"Good," she smiled. "Let's go, Luffy." She standed up and showed him her hand. He took it and smiled while standing.
"What is your name?" He asked.

"Imu." She answered.

"I am counting on you!" He grinned and she smiled back.

Could you tell now? What will happen to him? Will he get back to his friends and family? Will his fruit help him live even through having a big hole in his chest? Why is Luffy still alive?

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